Standings | Onder | Ben | Toby | Tom | Ladd | Levent | Mike | John | James

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Current Rosters

    Onder             Ben               Toby              Tom               Ladd    
1B  Pujols, StL       Gonzalez, SD      Votto, Cin        Fielder, Mil      Lee, Chi          
2B  Barmes, Col       Schumaker, StL    Uggla, Fla        Hernandez, NY     Phillips, Cin     
SS  Tulowitzki, Col   Ramirez, Fla      Reyes, NY         Renteria, SF      Escobar, Atl      
3B  Reynolds, Ari     Zimmerman, Was    Cantu, Fla        Stewart, Col      Wright, NY        
out Kouzmanoff, SD    Sandoval, SF      Glaus, StL        Ramirez, Chi      Blake, LA         
in  Uribe, SF         Drew, Ari         Castillo, NY      Prado, Atl        Fontenot, Chi     
C   Martin, LA        Coste, Hou        Molina, SF        Iannetta, Col     McCann, Atl       
    Kendall, Mil      Montero, Ari      Rivera, Mil       Jaramillo, Pit    Soto, Chi         
OF  Ross, Fla         Headley, SD       Lee, Hou          Dunn, Was         Bradley, Chi      
    Bourn, Hou        Ankiel, StL       Milledge, Pit     Pence, Hou        Murphy, NY        
    Ludwick, StL      Willingham, Was   Rowand, SF        Young, Ari        Rasmus, StL       
    Gomes, Cin        Ramirez, LA       Hermida, Fla      Fukudome, Chi     McCutchen, Pit    
    Upton, Ari        Sheffield, NY     Morgan, Was       Holliday, StL     Jones, Pit        

P   Haren, Ari        Bell, SD          Hamels, Phi       Santana, NY       Rodriguez, NY     
    Lowe, Atl         Street, Col       Volquez, Cin      Broxton, LA       Rodriguez, Hou    
    Vazquez, Atl      Carpenter, StL    Dempster, Chi     Wilson, SF        Wolf, LA          
    Hoffman, Mil      Wells, Chi        Scherzer, Ari     Johnson, Fla      Franklin, StL     
    Moyer, Phi        Happ, Phi         Gregg, Chi        Kershaw, LA       Blanton, Phi      
    De La Rosa, Col   Lee, Phi          Maholm, Pit       Jurrjens, Atl     Zito, SF          
    Valverde, Hou     Smoltz, StL       Belisario, LA     Pelfrey, NY       Nunez, Fla        
    Lindstrom, Fla    Zambrano, Chi     Soriano, Atl      Sanchez, SF       Lilly, Chi        
    Haeger, LA        Martinez, Phi     Marshall, Chi     Duke, Pit         MacDougal, Was    

IR                                                        Greene, StL       Delgado, NY       
                                                          Snyder, Ari       Fowler, Col       

    Levent            Mike              John              James    
1B  Helton, Col       Berkman, Hou      Howard, Phi       Jackson, Ari      
2B  Hudson, LA        Johnson, Atl      Lopez, Mil        Utley, Phi        
SS  Furcal, LA        Hardy, Mil        Theriot, Chi      Rollins, Phi      
3B  Braun, Mil        Atkins, Col       Jones, Atl        Bonifacio, Fla    
out LaRoche, Atl      Kotchman, Bos     Coghlan, Fla      Loney, LA         
in  Feliz, Phi        Guzman, Was       Matsui, Hou       Tejada, Hou       
C   Molina, StL       Hernandez, Cin    Santos, NY        Baker, Fla        
    Doumit, Pit       Castro, ChA       Paulino, Fla      Hundley, SD       
OF  Kemp, LA          McLouth, Atl      Ethier, LA        Victorino, Phi    
    Hawpe, Col        Bruce, Cin        Winn, SF          Werth, Phi        
    Ibanez, Phi       Cameron, Mil      Gerut, Mil        Dukes, Was        
    Diaz, Atl         Spilborghs, Col   Parra, Ari        Francoeur, NY     
    Beltran, NY       Anderson, Atl     Smith, Col        Schafer, Atl      

P   Billingsley, LA   Wainwright, StL   Lincecum, SF      Lidge, Phi        
    Cain, SF          Qualls, Ari       Cordero, Cin      Nolasco, Fla      
    Volstad, Fla      Myers, Phi        Capps, Pit        Gallardo, Mil     
    Arroyo, Cin       Motte, StL        Lannan, Was       Jimenez, Col      
    Hanson, Atl       Putz, NY          Pineiro, StL      Gonzalez, Atl     
    Mock, Was         Madson, Phi       Harden, Chi       Villanueva, Mil   
    Sanchez, Fla      Hernandez, Was    Correia, SD       Miller, SF        
    Penny, SF         Martis, Was       Stauffer, SD      Perez, Cle        
    Kuroda, LA        Marquis, Col      Bush, Mil         Hampton, Hou      

IR  Taveras, Cin      Webb, Ari                                             
    Soriano, Chi