Draft Rounds 22, 23

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Round: 1-3 | 4-6 | 7-9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-23


Round 22 - Mike takes Davis, SD - C

Round 22 - Toby takes Rivera, SD - OF

Round 22 - John takes Hollandsworth, LA - OF

Round 22 - Levent takes Belliard, Mil - 2B/SS

Round 22 - Onder takes Villone, Cin - P

Mike: This will be interesting, I realized a few rounds ago that I have the last pick - I wonder if that means anything ....

Ben: Belliard was a great pick. Tom is completely discombobulated!

Tom: Doh! I had Belliard cued up!

Round 22 - Tom takes Lansing, Col - 2B/SS

Levent: that was my second choice

Round 22 - Ben takes Ward, Hou - OF

Round 22 - James takes Ordenez, NY - SS

Round 22 - Ladd takes Brad Penny, Fla - P

Toby: I'm really really tired. is it ok if I make my pick (it can't conflict w/ ladd's)

Ben: Toby: just an advance warning - you start the 23rd.

Toby: never mind (and I thought about Penny, too . . .)

Round 23 - Toby takes Hill, Chi - OF

Round 23 - John takes Cabrera, Mon - SS

Round 23 - Levent takes Hernandez, Mil - 1B/3B

Round 23 - Onder takes Ochoa, Cin - OF

Round 23 - Tom takes Miller, Ari - C

Round 23 - Ben takes Stephenson, StL - P

Round 23 - James takes Gomez, SD - 2B/SS

James: Great webwork Ben, you rule. The rest of you guys are OK too. Good night.

Toby: good night!!

Tom: Chow.

Levent: Thanks Ben, everything was great...

Round 23 - Mike takes Johnston, SF - P

Ben: Good night all!

Mike: LADD I know I went out of turn - but you were done with pitchers, so I thought I would just finish this off for Ben

Toby: I think I'm going to take off, too. Good luck to everybody! Onder, welcome to the league! I'm sure Ben will point you to the web page with the replacement rules and so forth. good night all!

Mike: By All - Great draft - see you on email!!

%commentname: Thanks guys, nice meeting you all... Are we done?

Ben: Onder - I'll give you more information about the league rules over the weekend. Welcome to the league!!

Onder: That was me again, sorry for all the mistakes and slowing the whole thing down.

Mike: Well, I believe Ladd still needs to find\ a catcher out there ... but no real reaon to hang around unless you want to see who he picks

Round 23 - Ladd takes Kelly Stinnett, Ari - C

Ben: And we are done!! I'm out of here. Stats arriving next Friday.

James: Hey, is this thing on?