Draft Rounds 7-9

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Round: 1-3 | 4-6 | 7-9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-23


Round 7 - Levent takes Jordan, Atl - OF

Mike: BEN: I am taking your message to mean that I made a brillant pick!

Toby: I was gonna take Jordan, but then I didn't . . . I gues it was too much to hope that he'd last another round . . .

Round 7 - Onder takes Taubensee, Cin - C

Levent: Toby: Want to trade??

Round 7 - Tom takes Casey, Cin - 1B

Onder: Sorry Taubensee, Cin (not Chi)

Round 7 - Ben takes Scott Rolen, Phi - 3B

Round 7 - James takes Alou, Hou - OF

Toby: Levent, Perhaps, but we'll have to see how it works out. We'll talk.

John: Nice pick Toby as soon as I picked Elerton I realized I should have picked Ashby and was begining to think I might still get the chance!

Round 7 - Ladd takes Rob Nen, SF - P

Levent: TOBY: But I need a SP soon...

Round 7 - Mike takes Eric Karros, LA - 1B/3B

Round 7 - Toby takes Galarragga, Atl - 1B

Ben: Okay, Onder, this is where our draft method gets weird. Levent started the 7th round and John will end it. Then you pick next, first in the 8th round - that is, you will follow John in a few picks. At the end of the 8th round, Tom will start the 9th round, so you will essentially be skipped.

Toby: Levent: we'd have to do a double swap, right? Or not right, Ben? Can we trade out of positions before the draft ends?

Ben: RISK!!

Toby: YEAH BABY!!!!! What's life without a little risk?

Ben: Trading out of positions during the draft is okay by me - any objections? We're breaking new ground here....

James: I say things are confused enough as it is.

Levent: why not?? Jordan goes to Toby and I get Ashby... and then we draft the other positions...

Toby: Hey Levent, I only have Ashby to trade, and as I picked him ahead of Jordan, I don't think I want to make that trade, anyhows. . .

Round 7 - John takes Beltre, LA - 1B/3B

Ben: Mike: do you want that break soon? We could do it at the end of 7, or at the end of 8?

Levent: understood...

Toby: Is it Onder's turn? This is a tricky one because we skip Levent . .. .

Mike: No need for the break quite yet, Jeni has not arrived to pick me up. We can probably go through the 9th at least to get closer to half way there as far as I am concerned.

Round 8 - Onder takes Bichette, Cin - OF

Toby: I like that pick.

Toby: I think he's not merely a Coors field wonder

Levent: nope, even deion is better than him :-))

James: Re: Bichette, then you were never an Angels fan.

Toby: Ouch!

Toby: Look, the Angels could make anyone a bad hitter, unless your name is Carew

James: Point taken Tob.

Round 8 - Tom takes Rondell White, Mon - OF

Round 8 - Ben takes Durazo, Ari - 1B

Round 8 - James takes Ventura, NY - 3B

Mike: Depending when Ladd picks, maybe the 8th will be a good time for a break!

Ben: Does that mean Jeni arrived?

Mike: Jeni still isn't here yet, but then, Ladd hasn't picked yet :)

Round 8 - Ladd takes Rick Ankiel, StL - P

Round 8 - Mike takes Geoff Jenkins, Mil - OF

Round 8 - Toby takes R. Sanders, Atl - OF

Mike: Does this mean it is time to send Mike love notes from himself?

Mike: Mmmm . . . you're so fuzzy and cuddly, shnuggums . . .

Mike: cute, very cute - actually, when Jeni and Kimberly get here, I am going to have Kimberly pick for me. Watch out - she is already an expert on baseball.

Mike: TOBY: it probably means nothing, but the BASEBALL WEEKLY comment on R. Sanders is "don't do this to yourself"

Ben: Toby I nearly took Sanders on my last pick, but I thought I needed to start on my infield...

Toby: Do what? (and if you'd taken Sanders i'd have taken larkin)

James: Larkin was taken a long time ago, John.

Ben: John, Onder has Larkin, who plays for Cincinnati...

Toby: so then I would have been getting these messages :-)

%commentname: John, I picked a Larkin, Cin earlier. My list doesn't have a Larkin, StL... Is there a mistake?

Round 8 - John takes Mike Jackson, Phi - P

John: My bad.

Round 8 - Levent takes Hermanson, Mon - P

Ben: John, do you mean Jackson the closer?

Round 9 - Tom takes Daal, Ari - P

Round 9 - Ben takes J.D. Drew, StL - OF

Onder: I have Jackson, Phi as a Reliever...???

Round 9 - James takes Wood, Chi - P

Toby: Damn. good pick. i waited too long.

John: Sorry, must have hit the wrong button. The closer indeed.

James: Thanks Tob, I'm still trying to dig out of the hole from not getting Randy Johnson.

Round 9 - Ladd takes Doug Glanville, Phi - OF

Toby: (John is still listed as having Larkin, BTW)

Round 9 - Mike takes Jeffery Hammonds, Col - OF

Round 9 - Toby takes Hitchcock, SD - P

Ben: Thanks for pointing that out. It's fixed.

Ben: Mike, want a break at the end of this round? I'm first pick in the 10th, so let me know.

Mike: TOBY: isn't that an illegal pick for you, a pitcher before the 17th round. BEN: Given the rate we are going, it may be best to go through the 10th, but I will update you.

Onder: Do I pick last in this round?

Round 9 - John takes Floyd, Fla - OF

John: and I seem to have lost Chipper Jones

Tom: If Mike needs to do some traveling during the break, it might be good to start the break right after one of his picks.

Ben: ONder: yes, you're last, which means you follow Levent like usual, but then I follow you instead of Tom.

Toby: HA HA !!! I fooled you! Gave you a false sense of security and then POUNCED!!!! Well, not you, personally, since you pick before me, but you get the idea.

Round 9 - Levent takes Goodwin, Col - OF

Ben: Jones has been fixed - the problem was that you took Beltre at 3B, instead of 1B/3B. NOTE TO EVERYONE: you have to pick the extra infielders at the 2B/SS or 1B/3B position!!

Onder: Levent, isn't this still the 9th round?

Levent: 9th, sorry...

Round 9 - Onder takes Zeile, NY - 1B/3B