Draft Rounds 10-12

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Round: 1-3 | 4-6 | 7-9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-23


Round 10 - Ben takes Jeff Kent, SF - 2B

Round 10 - James takes Hundley, LA - C

Mike: I propose a break after my pick in round 11, Jeni and Kimberly are here - but there has been a minor spill so we won't be able to leave after immediately after my round 10 pick!

Round 10 - Ladd takes Luis Gonzalez, Ari - OF

Toby: Mike, that's really why you ought to use a sippy-cup.

Round 10 - Mike takes Alfonseca, Fla - P

Toby: I like that pick, too (gonzalez). funny how far his stock has dropped. not sure why, exactly . . .

John: Guys, I am afraid I am fading (if you couldn't tell by my picking). It seems a little early to just pick the rest of my team at the end - although I can accept that fate. Alternatively, someone else could pick for me.

Round 10 - Toby takes Wickman, Mil - P

Levent: John: I can if you want to...

Toby: You wanna take a little nap (maybe miss a round or two) and then try again?

Ben: John: if you want to take a nap for awhile, one of us (I'd volunteer) could make picks for you - just a suggestion.

Mike: SUGGESTION: For symmetries sake, Levent should pick some for John, as the reverse once occurred.

Round 10 - John takes CAstillo, Fla - 2B/SS

Round 10 - Levent takes Lieber, Chi - P

Ben: Would that be symmetry's, possessive, or symmetries, plural?

Mike: plural

Ben: Name them!

Levent: ouch...

Round 10 - Onder takes Ritchie, Pit - P

Round 10 - Tom takes Wilson, Fla - OF

Mike: Since we haven't decided on the John issue - how are we on the break after my round 11 pick. Or to put it another way, I will be in transit after my round 11 pick, and you all can break for 15 minutes or wait for my in round 12!

Round 11 - James takes Harnish, Cin - P

John: I don't think I am waking up once I go out. If Levent is willing I'll let him choose the rest. With only half the draft left he can't make the team as bad as the one I picked for him. I'll pick to the break and then sign off.

John: I don't think I am waking up once I go out. If Levent is willing I'll let him choose the rest. With only half the draft left he can't make the team as bad as the one I picked for him. I'll pick to the break and then sign off.

James: Good night John, I'll miss you (esp. in the late rounds)

Levent: that time it was my bad, this time everything will be better, don't worry...I'll do the rest...

Ben: Sleep well, John. Get well!

Ben: I propose we finish the round out. Mike can leave aftr his pick, but we can finish the round.

Round 11 - Ladd takes Rick Reed, NY - P

Toby: Good night, John!!!

Round 11 - Mike takes Steve Woodard, Mil - P

Round 11 - Toby takes Caminiti, Hou - 3B

Mike: see you all in 15 minutes!

Levent: JOHN: Are you still with us??

Ben: Levent - I think you're picking for him now - that was my impression anyway

Round 11 - John takes Williamson, Cin - P

Round 11 - Levent takes Widger, Mon - C

John: Thanks Levent. Goodnight all!

Round 11 - Onder takes Schmidt, Pit - P

Round 11 - Tom takes Ortiz, SF - P

Round 11 - Ben takes Valdes, Chi - P

Ben: Break time - back at about 10 till? Ladd's pick to start the 12th.

Ladd: I'm going to pick now and then take a LOOONG break, since I'll have the last pick in the 13th round.

Round 12 - Ladd takes Mark Grace, Chi - 1B

Round 12 - Mike takes Aramis Ramirez, Pit - 3B

Mike: I am back and have made my 12th round pick

Round 12 - Toby takes Veras, Atl - 2B

Round 12 - Levent takes Finley, Ari - OF

Levent: if nobody objects, can I take John's pick back??

Ben: Yes, if nobody objects, you can take John's pick back.

Toby: Fine with me.

Mike: fine with me

Tom: No problem here.

Round 12 - John takes Park, LA - P

Round 12 - %name takes Rodriguez, Chi - OF

Round 12 - Tom takes Morris, Pit - 2B

Onder: Sorry, that's me again, I'll fix it next round.

Round 12 - Ben takes Fernandez, Fla - P

Round 12 - James takes Gwynn, SD - OF

Mike: BEN: It may just be my browser, but I noticed the rows getting out of line because the columns aren't wide enough for some of the names, is there anything I can do about that?

James: Mike, if you can increase the resolution of your screen that would help.

Ben: Mike: it's not easy to fix - there's no way to make your browser wider?