Draft Rounds 13-15

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Round: 1-3 | 4-6 | 7-9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-23


Mike: BEN: It may just be my browser, but I noticed the rows getting out of line because the columns aren't wide enough for some of the names, is there anything I can do about that?

James: Mike, if you can increase the resolution of your screen that would help.

Ben: Mike: it's not easy to fix - there's no way to make your browser wider?

Round 13 - Mike takes Al Martin, SD - OF

Toby: Oh, God, my third best starter is Kent Bottenfield.

James: Sorry Tob, Bottenfield is now in the AL

Round 13 - John takes Brogna, Phi - 1B

Ben: Toby - Bottenfield was traded to the Angels.

Ben: Hold the new picks until Toby picks someone on an NL roster

Toby: So I have to pick again?

Levent: Didn't we have a rule on this case??

Toby: Actually, I'd like to pick Driefort. Is that kosher?

Round 13 - Onder takes Burks, SF - OF

Ben: Mike: with your wrapping problem - you might be able to make your fonts smaller Edit -> Preferences -> Fonts....

Toby: Hello?

Onder: I'm sorry I didn't see the stop sign!

Ben: NO NEW PICKS!!!! I don't know what to say about Dreifort...

Round 13 - Toby takes Driefort, LA - P

James: If Toby want Dreifort I think he should get him.

Levent: I think as a penalty you should leave him to me :-))

Toby: (he was my next choice, Driefort)

Toby: (and I know you want me to have him, James, because he sux :-) )

Mike: JAMES; I took James' advice and increased the screen resolution and it worked - thanks SO I see that Toby is trying to chear himself by having a player with no stats?

Ben: The problem here is the time lag in seeing new picks, so Levent was picking without realizing we were saying to stop. I'm a little uncomfortable with letting Toby take Dreifort - power of suggestion... anyone else have an opinion?

Toby: :-)

Toby: no


Toby: For what it's worth, I have a list written down, and at the top it says bottenfield, and the next name is driefort . . .

Levent: actually our rule was: If you pick a player who was traded or was on DL, you cannot replace him for the first month of the season...

Ben: I'm willing to believe Toby on this. Levent, does this seem fair enough?

Toby: mike, we're waiting on what people say about my pick, then to Levent

Mike: I hate to side with Toby, but I think we have run into this problem before, and under similar circumstances, the person who picked erroneously got to pick whoever, even if someone after had drafted them

Toby: That was if the draft was completed. we always let people change their minds if someone was on the dl or traded. you were just so efficient . . .!

James: Levent, the rule is you must draft someone on a NL roster.

Ben: Levent: that rule applies to picking someone who is on the DL. We've never applied it to someone who was traded before the pick.

%commentname: (my comment refers to levent's comment)

%commentname: (and my name is toby)

Mike: Also, it is true as Levent points out, that if you picked someone on the DL or AL you had to keep them for a fixed time - but since many us don't have access to up to date lists, if someone made such a pick, they were given the option to take it back - i.e. have a do over

Ben: Okay, I think we let Toby take Dreifort, with the only penalty being embarrassment.

Toby: embarrassment: for screwing up the pick the first time, or for Driefort being my third best starter?

Round 13 - Levent takes Benes, StL - P

Toby: (Benes was third on my list ! :-) )

James: For the record I claim (again) you can draft someone who is on the DL, but they must be on the rooster of a NL team. If they get traded after then draft then...

Round 13 - Tom takes Cordova, Pit - P

Levent: and (again) I have stated my objection, but I go along with the majority decision...

Round 13 - Ben takes Edmonds, StL - OF

Round 13 - James takes Holt, Hou - P

Toby: Hey, who is the outfielder Martin from San Diego that Mike picked?

Round 13 - Ladd takes Pokey Reese, Cin - 2B

James: Only Al Martin, even more politically incorrect than Rocker.

Ben: Al Martin - used to be with Pittsburgh, been all over the news for a domestic violence incident. Where have you been? Watching basketball?

Toby: Martin plays for SD now?

Levent: no he is in San Diego to beat up his wife :-))

%commentname: Hey, I'm confused about the rounds. is that ladd's second 13th round pick? Or shoudl it be the beginning of the 14th and ladd skipped?

Toby: Or is mike skipped and it's my pick?

Ben: Toby's first pick in the 14th. Ladd was last pick in the 13th.

Mike: that was Ladd 13, it is now 14, me skipped, Toby pick

Mike: gee, I must have been watching too much basketball - I didn't know I made such a radical pick, and this close to SD too!

Round 14 - Toby takes Benard, SF - OF

Round 14 - John takes Grissom, Mil - OF

Round 14 - Levent takes Bell, NY - OF

Round 14 - Onder takes Parris, Cin - P

Round 14 - Tom takes Dotel, Hou - P

Round 14 - Ben takes Phil Nevin, SD - 1B/3B

Round 14 - James takes Clement, SD - P

Round 14 - Ladd takes Todd Stottlemyre, Ari - P

Round 14 - Mike takes Rich Aurilia, SF - SS

Round 15 - John takes Astacio, Col - P

Ben: Harnisch was already picked.

Round 15 - Levent takes Kile, StL - P

Round 15 - Tom takes Klesko, SD - 1B/3B

Round 15 - Ben takes Vina, StL - 2B/SS

James: Floyd is already taken, no?

Mike: Floyd is gone I believe

Ben: Yes, Floyd was taken. Deja vu all over again....

Toby: Wilson is gone already. sorry.

Onder: Sorry about that!

Ben: Kotsay's still available.

Toby: It's James' turn?

Ben: It's James' turn after Onder makes a pick.

James: I'm waiting til Onder's pick gets squared away

Round 15 - Onder takes Perez, Col - 2B/SS

Round 15 - James takes Hidalgo, Hou - OF

Round 15 - Ladd takes Lee Stevens, Mon - 1B/3B

Round 15 - Mike takes Graves, Cin - P

Round 15 - Toby takes DiPoto, Col - P