Draft Rounds 4-6

Draft Form | Message Board | Draft Roster | Rotisserie Index

Round: 1-3 | 4-6 | 7-9 | 10-12 | 13-15 | 16-18 | 19-21 | 22-23


Ben: Onder, I don't understand why you're still having trouble with the draft form. I made a test pick with your name and it worked fine. Are you selecting your name with the pick?

Round 4 - Mike takes Leiter, NY - P

Round 4 - Toby takes Shaw, LA - P

%commentname: Yes I am (very carefully) selecting my name but there seems to be a problem.

Ben: Onder: Let's try this. When you go back to the draft form, hit "reload" before you make your selection. If that doesn't work, I'll find some other workaround.

Mike: I think that means the two catchers in the league have finally been picked.

Round 4 - Levent takes Cirillo, Col - 3B

Ben: Levent, Cirillo's playing 3rd, right?

Levent: yes, you are right, my bad...

James: Yes Cirillo is playing 3rd

Onder: Since I have no clue what I'm doing here can someone explain the procedure. Do I pick one player for each position and multiple pitchers? Also, how does one win or lose games? Is RBI the most important thing?

Mike: BEN: Apparently, I have made the same mistake a number of people have made. Biggio should be at 2B and he is showing up as my 2B/SS pick. Luckily, I haven't abused anyone else for this mistake yet! Can you fix that?

Toby: Ben, don't you have the rules written up on a web page somewhere?

Toby: Hitting stats: RBI, runs, Ave., HR and SB

Ben: Offensive categories (all equally weighted) BA, R, HR, RBI, SB Pitching: W, S, ERA, (H+BB)/IP, K. 9 pitchers, 6 OF, 2 catchers, 6 infielders: 1 at each position, 1 extra 1B/3B, 1 extra 2B/SS

Toby: Pitching Stats: W, S, ERA, (H+W)/IP, SO

Mike: BEN: I realize that you are probably rather busy at this moment, but just wanted to confirm if you saw my last post re. Biggio.

Ben: Mike: Biggio's fixed. I hadn't seen your first post about it. The roster page will be corrected when it updates again.

Mike: BEN: Well, having now updated the draft roster, I see you did get my post. Thanks. Maybe my suggestion of a break between 6 and 7pm was a bit premature??

Round 4 - %name takes Bell, Ari - 2B

Round 4 - Tom takes Tatis, StL - 3B

Round 4 - %name takes Bell, Ari - 2B

Toby: Anyone ever notice that the words "resigns" and "re-signs" are very close? That can be very confusing

Onder: Sorry I hit reload...

Mike: TOBY: I was so confused by it, it took me a moment to realize why it was confusing!

Round 4 - Ben takes Abreu, Phi - OF

James: Yeah Tob, just like flamable and inflamable meaning the same thing.

Round 4 - James takes Jones, Atl - OF

Toby: Yeah, James, just like "impotent" and "potent". Or was she trying to make me feel better?

Round 4 - Ladd takes Brian Giles, Pit - OF

Toby: darn you!!!

James: comment superfluous, Tob.

Ben: Onder, I'm really baffled why the rest of the draft form work (i.e. it takes the position, team name, etc) but not your name. While it's not elegant, I've set up the draft roster program to recognize %name as you, so at least that will work.

Mike: so who you going pick now TOBY !!

Round 5 - Toby takes Sheffield, LA - OF

Toby: Well, then, James . . . .

Toby: I'm trying to collect an "all LA" team. Not usually a very good idea . . .

Mike: An obvious choice, I guess being last in this round I didn't have much of a chance at Jones, Giles, or Sheffield :) !!

James: So is *everyone* just drafting off the player rankings from espn.com? If so, it seems like we can save time and just mail in our picks...

%commentname: Ben, I can't see Levent's name in the Draft form.

Ben: Sheffield was a great pick. I was choosing between him, Giles and Abreu. Of course, with my recent success, what do I know?

Toby: I didin't know there *were* player rankings at espn.com . . . Thanks, I'll check it out!!!

Mike: John: I assume you are still with us and not deathly ill yet

Ben: I don't have ESPN's rankings....and %commentname - don't know why you don't see Levent's name. Not something I can fix.

Mike: Clearly this is a great form, and no disrespect to Ben, but next year he just has to figure out how to make the page update!

Toby: But if you are deathly ill, can I have Bagwell?

Round 4 - John takes Kendall, Pit - C

Round 5 - John takes Cedeno, Hou - OF

Toby: Uh, . . . .

Round 5 - Levent takes Rocker, Atl - P

Toby: A little speed for John . . .

Toby: Bold pick, Levent!!!

Mike: Levent probably has a good pick unless he is shot during the first game in NY.

Levent: either there or in Montreal, he can pitch...

John: When you want an OF and the 4 picks before you are OF, you need to do a little rethinking.

Onder: Is it my turn?

Mike: ONDER: it is your turn

Ben: Onder: yes, it's your turn.

Ben: Levent, was that a 'p' or a 'b'?

Toby: And Rocker can pitch in Cleveland, but not for you . . . :-)

Round 5 - %name takes Larkin, Cin - SS

Ben: BEN: This may be too hard to change on the fly, but could you make the entire text of a pick appear in either bold or italic on the message board so it is easy for people to notice when a pick has occurred??

Round 5 - Tom takes Lieberthal, Phi - C

Ben: Yes

Levent: look, Braves got rid of Simon, that must be an indication of sth...

Toby: BEN: Do I pick last next round?

Round 5 - Ben takes Curt Schilling, Phi - P

Toby: I think that's a great pick, Tom

Toby: OK, the bold pick award has moved back to the US . . .

Ben: BEN: I assume the YES meant it is too hard ?? Anyway, just keep it in mind for next year. Just want to repeat - I do love this form, much better than switching between 5 talks windows to insult/congratulate/ yell at peopl

%commentname: Thanks, I like him too (although I wanted Kendall -- he was the only thing that kept me from sinking into the depths of despair last year -- that is until he cracked his ankle.)

Tom: Oops. Last unnamed post from me.

Round 5 - James takes Benson, Pit - P

Ben: Whoever is using my name when sending posts to me, stop it!

Ben: Sorry, Ben!!

Mike: Hi Ben - that was me using your name, so as much as I love the form, I clearly am incapable of using it correctly !!!

Round 5 - Ladd takes Javier Lopez, Atl - C

Levent: and you call my pick bold...

Round 5 - Mike takes Burnitz, Mil - OF

Round 6 - John takes Elerton, Hou - P

Ben: Alfonzo's gone, Levent.

Round 6 - Levent takes Young, Chi - 2B

Ben: Onder, it's your pick (just reminding you since this is all new).

%commentname: Is Young (Pit, 1B) taken?

Ben: Young is available.

Round 6 - %name takes Young, Pit - 1B

Round 6 - Tom takes Neagle, Cin - P

Round 6 - Ben takes Ray Lankford, StL - OF

Tom: Of course, Neagle killed me during the first half of last year ...

Round 6 - James takes Mantei, Ari - P

Onder: Ben, do you see Levent's name in the "drafter" window of the draft form? I have only John, Onder and Tom in the second column with a space at the top. Can this be related with my %name problem?

Mike: Just checking that I am up to date: it is Ladd then Me??

James: That the way it looks to me, Mike

Ben: Onder, yes, this must somehow be a related problem. Do you know how to read html forms? You could check the View -> Page Source and see whether these names are actually in your browser. I'm using a fairly standard form, and in fact, it's the same for all the different categories, so I can't understand why the name field doesn't work for you.

Toby: You aren't going to take Yoshii ahead of me, are you Mike ??

Mike: TOby: I am sure Ladd is agonizing over making that pick right now!

Ben: Ben, great pick on Lankford!

Ben: Thanks!

Round 6 - Ladd takes Edgar Renteria, StL - SS

Ben: Yeah, Ben, you're such a smart, handsome guy!!

Ben: Kathrin, is that you?

Round 6 - Mike takes Dave Veres, StL - P


Round 6 - Toby takes Ashby, Phi - P

Toby: OK, but that's the last pitcher I take until round 17

Ben: Levent, your pick to start the 7th round

Onder: Yes Ben, that was it. I cleared tha cache. It should work now.