BRAKE Family History

The purpose of this web site is to encourage research and exchange of genealogical information on -
as well as preserve - the family history of the Virginia/West Virginia BRAKE families descending from
Johan Jacob (d. bef 1760) and Mary Margaret BRAKE of Germany.

Latest on Children of Johann Jakob Brechtel (Brake) -- Buzz Brake commissioned Ancestry Seekers of Salt Lake City to do the research.

Buzz Brake's "The Brake Line" Web Site
Marriage record for Abram Reger (1795 - 1883) and Leah Ann Brake (1795 - 1835)
Images of Estate documents of John Regar (near bottom)
Brake Family Cemetery, Hacker Valley, Webster Co., WV
Retraction Letter by David Edwards

Image of Brake Falls

Brake Falls on Dumpling Run that powered Brake's Mill,
Brake, Hardy County, WVA (about 15 miles south of Moorefield)
Picture taken by Larry Brake of Canton, OH

Description of Brake Falls from Linnie Louisa Brake Cunningham's manuscript The Brake Family In West Virginia, published in 1946.

Image of genealogy treeGenealogy of Johan Jacob (d. bef 1760) and Mary Margaret BRAKE of GermanyImage of genealogy tree

Brake Births

Brake Marriages

Wills and Deed



Images of Brakes

Books and Articles

Loose Limbs


Brakes in Military

"Loose Limbs" - Unplaced Brake Families - Where Do They Belong??
Getting Started in Genealogy - for the Novice.
Read queries about BRAKE families.
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Related Web Sites
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No guarantee on the accuracy of the data found on this web site is given or implied by the site owner. As with all family research, the researcher should strive to obtain primary documents for necessary proofs. Furthermore, permission must be obtained from the original submitter of information on this site before publishing any information found here.

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If you have any additions or corrections to this site, please send email to an Hyde, hyde at
Page maintained by Dan Hyde, hyde at Last update August 7, 2007

Copyright © 1998-2007
By Daniel C. Hyde