ECEG 497/697
Wireless System Design

Spring 2025


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March 7 Lecture Moved to March 6 (3/5/2025)

The last lecture period of this week will meet 7:00–7:50 pm on Thursday, March 6 instead of on Friday. We will meet in BRKI 264, our regular MWF classroom.

The change was confirmed by class vote to accommodate those of you who have travel plans for spring break.

Help Sessions for Mar. 3–7 - UPDATE (3/5/2025)

I plan to be available at least at the following times this week.

  • Monday, 5:00–6:00 pm (BRKI 368)
  • Tuesday 5:00–6:00 pm (BRKI 368)
  • Tuesday, 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)
  • Thursday, 5:00–5:30 pm (BRKI 368) - will stay later if necessary
  • Thursday, 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)

I am usually available for short consultations on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 1:50 pm in Dana 319 and at 3:50 pm in BRKI 264.

Guidelines and additional information:

  • Please contact me if you have a conflict with these times and would like to schedule a meeting at a different time.
  • The Zoom link is available at the course Moodle site.
  • If I am helping another student when you drop by, you may usually join in the conversation.
  • If I have been helping you for a relatively long time, I might pause our conversation to help other students who are waiting for assistance.
  • For in-person sessions, if I have finished helping you, please move out to the hall or somewhere else so that the chairs in my office are clear for newly arriving students.
  • As a courtesy during Zoom sessions, please use your camera.

Selected Answers to HW #4 (3/4/2025)

The answers to selected graded problems in HW #4 are now available on the Homework Assignments page.

HW #3 Solutions (3/4/2025)

The solutions to HW #3 are now available at the course Moodle site.

Reading Assignments for Mar. 3–7 (3/2/2025)

  • M: Sections 15.1, 15.4 through 15.7, and 15.9
  • W: The supplemental readings "Mixer Circuits and Image Frequencies" and "Why Do Engineers Use the Decibel Unit?"
  • F: Sections 14.1 through 14.3 and the supplemental reading "Mixer Circuits and Image Frequencies"

You may skim Section 15.9. The supplemental reading on mixers largely covers the same topics as the textbook sections but adds further details and a slightly different perspective.

Sunday and Monday Help Sessions (3/2/2025)

I plan to be available at least at the following times on Sunday and Monday this week. The schedule for the rest of the week will be posted soon.

  • Sunday, 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)
  • Monday, 5:00–6:00 pm (BRKI 368)

Guidelines and additional information:

  • Please contact me if you have a conflict with these times and would like to schedule a meeting at a different time.
  • The Zoom link is available at the course Moodle site.
  • If I am helping another student when you drop by, you may usually join in the conversation.
  • If I have been helping you for a relatively long time, I might pause our conversation to help other students who are waiting for assistance.
  • For in-person sessions, if I have finished helping you, please move out to the hall or somewhere else so that the chairs in my office are clear for newly arriving students.
  • As a courtesy during Zoom sessions, please use your camera.

Special Saturday Help Session (2/28/2025)

I will be available via Zoom 12:30–1:30 pm on Saturday, March 1.

Practical Information on Toroidal Inductors (2/28/2025)

The supplemental reading "Components," an excerpt from Chris Bowick's RF design book, is now available at the course Moodle site. If you are interested in using toroidal inductors for Mini-Project #1, you should consider reviewing the sections near the end of the reading. Also consult the "Information on Iron Powder Toroidal Cores" link on the Mini-Projects page at the course web site.

We will return to the "Components" reading later this semester.

HW #4 (2/28/2025)

The assignment for HW #4 is now available. It is due via Moodle at 11:59 pm on Wednesday, March 5. It is a relatively short assignment.

Selected Answers to HW #3 (2/27/2025)

The answers to selected graded problems in HW #3 are now available on the Homework Assignments page.

Exam #1 Solutions (2/26/2025)

The solutions to Exam #1 are now available at the course Moodle site.

Exam #1 Results (2/26/2025)

The average score for Exam #1 was 86.6. The average score breakdowns for the individual problems (converted to percentages) were:

  • Prob. 1 - 98%
  • Prob. 2 - 70%
  • Prob. 3 - 90%
  • Prob. 4 - 95%
  • Prob. 5 - 80%

Average scores will be available on the Exams page throughout the semester.

Mini-Project #1 (2/25/2025)

The handout for Mini-Project #1 is now available on the Mini-Projects page.

Optional Reading (2/24/2025)

The following supplemental readings are now available at the Moodle site in the "Additional Resources" section.

  • "Alternative Formula for Calculating the Forward Voltage Coefficient" - This is a set of ECEG 390 lecture notes that describe a potentially more useful formula for calculating the coefficient V0+ used in the expression for the total voltage along a transmission line than the one given in most textbooks. The notes show that the formula simplifies greatly when the source impedance equals the characteristic impedance of the line.
  • "Calculating Power Wave S-Parameters Using Only Port Voltages or Currents" - This is a paper that I presented at a conference two years ago that summarizes how a more general form of S-parameters can be calculated from the port voltages or currents of a network.

Neither document is required reading for the course. The first one is offered in case you would like to review background material. The second one goes beyond the material in the course notes "Matrix Representations of Networks: Z, Y, and S-Parameters" and is offered in case your are interested in advanced applications.

Help Sessions for Feb. 24–28 (2/23/2025)

I plan to be available at least at the following times this week.

  • Monday, 5:00–6:00 pm (BRKI 368)
  • Monday, 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)
  • Tuesday 5:00–6:00 pm (BRKI 368; tentative)
  • Wednesday 8:00–8:30 pm (Zoom) - will stay later if necessary
  • Thursday, 5:00–5:30 pm (BRKI 368) - will stay later if necessary
  • Thursday 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)

I am usually available for short consultations on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 1:50 pm in Dana 319 and at 3:50 pm in BRKI 264.

Guidelines and additional information:

  • Please contact me if you have a conflict with these times and would like to schedule a meeting at a different time.
  • The Zoom link is available at the course Moodle site.
  • If I am helping another student when you drop by, you may usually join in the conversation.
  • If I have been helping you for a relatively long time, I might pause our conversation to help other students who are waiting for assistance.
  • For in-person sessions, if I have finished helping you, please move out to the hall or somewhere else so that the chairs in my office are clear for newly arriving students.
  • As a courtesy during Zoom sessions, please use your camera.

HW #3 (2/23/2025)

The assignment for HW #3 is now available. It is due via Moodle at 11:59 pm on Saturday, March 1.

Reading Assignments for Feb. 24–28 (2/23/2025)

  • M: Sections 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4, and the supplemental reading "Matrix Representations of Networks"
  • W: Sections 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4, and the supplemental reading "Matrix Representations of Networks"
  • F: Sections 15.1, 15.4 through 15.7, and 15.9

You may skim Section 15.9.

Help Sessions for Feb. 16–21 - 2ND UPDATE (2/21/2025)

I plan to be available at least at the following times this week.

  • Sunday, 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)
  • Monday, 5:00–6:00 pm (BRKI 368)
  • Wednesday 5:00–5:30 pm (BRKI 368) - will stay later if necessary
  • Wednesday 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)
  • Friday 5:00–5:30 pm (Zoom) - will stay later if necessary

I am usually available for short consultations on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 1:50 pm in Dana 319 and at 3:50 pm in BRKI 264.

Guidelines and additional information:

  • Please contact me if you have a conflict with these times and would like to schedule a meeting at a different time.
  • The Zoom link is available at the course Moodle site.
  • If I am helping another student when you drop by, you may usually join in the conversation.
  • If I have been helping you for a relatively long time, I might pause our conversation to help other students who are waiting for assistance.
  • For in-person sessions, if I have finished helping you, please move out to the hall or somewhere else so that the chairs in my office are clear for newly arriving students.
  • As a courtesy during Zoom sessions, please use your camera.

Site maintained by:
Associate Professor David F. Kelley
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, USA
e-mail: dkelley AT bucknell DOT edu

Updated: March 5, 2025

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