Tom's Stats

Standings | Ben | John | James | Levent | Tom | Mike | Ladd | Onder

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    Batters            G    AB   H     Avg    R   HR  RBI  SB-CS   OPS
1B  Sexson, Mil       158  598  162   0.271   94  45  125   2-4   .890
2B  Walker, Cin       151  551  163   0.296   93  17   75   1-8   .816
SS  Aurilia, SF       156  636  206   0.324  114  37   97   1-3   .943
3B  Rolen, Phi        151  554  160   0.289   96  25  107  16-5   .884
out Stevens, Mon      152  542  133   0.245   77  25   95   2-1   .793
in  Gonzalez, Fla     145  515  129   0.250   57   9   48   2-2   .681
C   Kendall, Pit      157  606  161   0.266   84  10   53  13-14  .694
    Miller, Ari       123  380  103   0.271   45  13   47   0-1   .763
OF  Guerrero, Mon     159  599  184   0.307  107  34  108  37-16  .945
    Drew, StL         109  375  121   0.323   80  27   73  13-3   1.03
    Burnitz, Mil      154  562  141   0.251  104  34  100   0-4   .853
    Ochoa, Col        148  536  148   0.276   73   8   52  17-13  .740
    Darr, SD          105  289   80   0.277   36   2   34   6-2   .714
    Rios, Pit          95  319   83   0.260   38  14   50   3-2   .799
Totals                    7062 1974   0.280 1098 300 1064 113-78 

Pitchers         G  GS   W-L    S-B     IP    H   BB  Ratio  ER   ERA    SO
Park, LA         36 35  15-11   0-0   234.0  183  91  1.171  91  3.50   218
Gagne, LA        28 19   3-7    0-0   117.3  117  35  1.295  68  5.22   106
Elarton, Hou     24 24   4-10   0-0   132.7  146  59  1.545 104  7.06    87
Sheets, Mil      19 19   7-8    0-0   113.0  131  32  1.442  68  5.42    69
Anderson, Ari    22 15   3-4    0-1    88.7  101  24  1.410  51  5.18    35
Ritchie, Pit     33 33  11-15   0-0   207.3  211  52  1.268 103  4.47   124
Miller, Hou      32 32  16-8    0-0   212.0  183  76  1.222  80  3.40   183
Wright, Mil      33 33  11-12   0-0   194.7  201  98  1.536 106  4.90   129
Daal, Phi        17 17   5-6    0-0    96.0  107  34  1.469  51  4.78    57
*Bell, Cin        4  4   0-2    0-0    22.0   17   9  1.182  10  4.09    17
*Perez, Atl       5  5   2-2    0-0    25.7   28   9  1.442  15  5.26    21
*Urbina, Mon     45  0   2-1   15-3    46.7   42  21  1.350  22  4.24    57
Totals                  79-86  15-4  1490.0 1467 540  1.347 769  4.64  1103

Last Week's Stats

    Batters            G    AB   H     Avg    R   HR  RBI  SB-CS   OPS
1B  Sexson, Mil         3   12    4   0.333    2   1    7   0-0   .917
2B  Walker, Cin         3   12    3   0.250    0   0    1   0-0   .641
SS  Aurilia, SF         3   13    3   0.231    1   1    2   0-0   .692
3B  Rolen, Phi          0    0    0   0.000    0   0    0   0-0   .000
out Stevens, Mon        2    5    1   0.200    1   0    2   0-0   .900
in  Gonzalez, Fla       1    3    0   0.000    0   0    0   0-0   .000
C   Kendall, Pit        1    5    1   0.200    0   0    0   0-0   .400
    Miller, Ari         2    5    1   0.200    0   0    0   0-0   .533
OF  Guerrero, Mon       2    8    2   0.250    1   0    2   2-0   .750
    Drew, StL           3   13    2   0.154    2   1    1   0-0   .538
    Burnitz, Mil        2    9    2   0.222    1   0    2   0-0   .444
    Ochoa, Col          1    1    0   0.000    0   0    0   0-1   .000
    Darr, SD            2    1    0   0.000    0   0    0   0-0   .500
    Rios, Pit           0    0    0   0.000    0   0    0   0-0   .000
Totals                      87   19   0.218    8   3   17   2-1  

Pitchers         G  GS   W-L    S-B     IP    H   BB  Ratio  ER   ERA    SO
Park, LA          1  1   0-0    0-0     4.0    7   3  2.500   7 15.75     2
Gagne, LA         1  0   0-0    0-0     0.3    1   0  3.000   0  0.00     1
Elarton, Hou      1  1   0-1    0-0     5.0    6   4  2.000   7 12.60     1
Sheets, Mil       1  1   1-0    0-0     6.0    8   1  1.500   3  4.50     5
Anderson, Ari     1  0   0-0    0-1     1.3    1   0  0.750   0  0.00     1
Ritchie, Pit      0  0   0-0    0-0     0.0    0   0  0.000   0  0.00     0
Miller, Hou       1  1   0-0    0-0     6.0    3   3  1.000   1  1.50     7
Wright, Mil       0  0   0-0    0-0     0.0    0   0  0.000   0  0.00     0
Daal, Phi         1  1   1-0    0-0     7.0    3   0  0.429   0  0.00     3
Totals                   2-1    0-1    29.7   29  11  1.348  18  5.46    20

Ben Vollmayr-Lee (