Levent's Stats

Standings | Ben | John | James | Levent | Tom | Mike | Ladd | Onder

Rosters | Transactions | Message Board | Links

    Batters            G    AB   H     Avg    R   HR  RBI  SB-CS   OPS
1B  Young, Pit        142  449  104   0.232   53  14   65  15-11  .711
2B  Castillo, Fla     134  537  141   0.263   76   2   45  33-16  .686
SS  Womack, Ari       125  481  128   0.266   66   3   30  28-7   .653
3B  Beltre, LA        126  475  126   0.265   59  13   60  13-4   .724
out Cirillo, Col      102  394  129   0.327   51   9   54  12-1   .843
in  Bell, Ari         129  428  106   0.248   59  13   46   0-1   .752
C   Lopez, Atl        128  438  117   0.267   45  17   66   1-0   .750
    Estrada, Phi       87  290   65   0.224   25   8   36   0-0   .636
OF  Abreu, Phi        162  588  170   0.289  118  31  110  36-14  .941
    Sheffield, LA     143  515  160   0.311   98  36  100  10-4   1.00
    Alou, Hou         136  513  170   0.331   79  27  108   5-1   .955
    Kotsay, SD        111  371  104   0.280   61  10   54   9-5   .809
    Lawton, NY         12   61   10   0.164   -5  -2    0  -1-0   .718
    Benard, SF         93  253   76   0.300   44  13   30   7-5   .761
Ex  Barrett, Mon       34  112   22   0.196   10   2    6   0-0   .551
    Bell, Pit          31  110   15   0.136    4   1    4   0-1   .374
    Dellucci, Ari       8    7    4   0.571    4   2    4   0-0   1.48
    Karros, LA         41  151   35   0.232   11   5   24   3-1   .670
    Hollandsworth, Col  33  117   43   0.368   21   6   19   5-0   1.07
    Henderson, SD      81  261   56   0.215   47   5   25  15-4   .667
Totals                    6551 1781   0.272  926 215  886 191-75 

Pitchers         G  GS   W-L    S-B     IP    H   BB  Ratio  ER   ERA    SO
Brown, LA        20 19  10-4    0-0   115.7   94  38  1.141  34  2.65   104
Nen, SF          79  0   4-5   45-7    77.7   58  22  1.030  26  3.01    93
Oswalt, Hou      16 16   9-2    0-0   104.0   96  12  1.038  31  2.68   110
Graves, Cin      66  0   6-5   32-7    80.3   83  18  1.257  37  4.15    49
Lieber, Chi      34 34  20-6    0-0   232.3  226  41  1.149  98  3.80   148
Clement, Fla     31 31   9-10   0-0   169.3  172  85  1.518  95  5.05   134
Burkett, Atl     25 25  10-8    0-0   158.7  135  59  1.223  55  3.12   136
Baldwin, LA      12 12   3-6    0-0    79.3   82  25  1.349  37  4.20    53
Neagle, Col      30 30   9-8    0-0   170.7  192  60  1.477 102  5.38   139
*Ankiel, StL      6  6   1-2    0-0    24.0   25  25  2.083  19  7.12    27
*Harnisch, Cin    7  7   1-3    0-0    35.3   48  17  1.840  25  6.37    17
*Rocker, Atl     30  0   2-2   19-4    32.0   25  16  1.281  11  3.09    36
*Prokopec, LA    14 14   2-5    0-0    82.7   92  21  1.367  46  5.01    55
Totals                  86-66  96-18 1362.0 1328 439  1.297 616  4.07  1101

Last Week's Stats

    Batters            G    AB   H     Avg    R   HR  RBI  SB-CS   OPS
1B  Young, Pit          3    9    3   0.333    1   1    1   0-0   1.11
2B  Castillo, Fla       0    0    0   0.000    0   0    0   0-0   .000
SS  Womack, Ari         2    8    4   0.500    3   1    2   0-0   1.50
3B  Beltre, LA          3   12    2   0.167    3   0    2   0-0   .564
out Cirillo, Col        3   12    4   0.333    4   1    3   0-0   .968
in  Bell, Ari           2    8    5   0.625    1   0    0   0-0   1.50
C   Lopez, Atl          0    0    0   0.000    0   0    0   0-0   .000
    Estrada, Phi        2    7    2   0.286    0   0    1   0-0   .714
OF  Abreu, Phi          3   12    6   0.500    3   0    0   0-1   1.12
    Sheffield, LA       3   11    5   0.455    2   1    6   1-0   1.45
    Alou, Hou           3   12    2   0.167    0   0    4   0-0   .583
    Kotsay, SD          0    0    0   0.000    0   0    0   0-0   .000
    Lawton, NY          0    0    0   0.000    0   0    0   0-0   .000
    Benard, SF          3    7    3   0.429    2   0    0   0-1   1.21
Totals                      98   36   0.367   19   4   19   1-2  

Pitchers         G  GS   W-L    S-B     IP    H   BB  Ratio  ER   ERA    SO
Brown, LA         0  0   0-0    0-0     0.0    0   0  0.000   0  0.00     0
Nen, SF           2  0   0-0    1-0     1.7    2   2  2.400   0  0.00     0
Oswalt, Hou       0  0   0-0    0-0     0.0    0   0  0.000   0  0.00     0
Graves, Cin       0  0   0-0    0-0     0.0    0   0  0.000   0  0.00     0
Lieber, Chi       0  0   0-0    0-0     0.0    0   0  0.000   0  0.00     0
Clement, Fla      0  0   0-0    0-0     0.0    0   0  0.000   0  0.00     0
Burkett, Atl      0  0   0-0    0-0     0.0    0   0  0.000   0  0.00     0
Baldwin, LA       1  1   1-0    0-0     7.0    3   2  0.714   0  0.00     2
Neagle, Col       0  0   0-0    0-0     0.0    0   0  0.000   0  0.00     0
Totals                   1-0    1-0     8.7    5   4  1.038   0  0.00     2

Ben Vollmayr-Lee (bvollmay@bucknell.edu)