Homework & Exam Solutions

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Test Solutions

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Pre-Exam Review Exercise Solutions

  • Unit 3

    Previous Years' Exams

    We're posting exams from the 2023 version of PHYS 211. A previous year's test is simply that - a test from a previous year. This year's test is a completely different test. Almost always, people who take a previous year exam for practice think that the real exam is harder than the previous year's exam. (It's not -- the perceived difference probably comes from the different stress levels that you experience between taking a practice exam that doesn't count, and a real one that does.)

    Note: last year, we had lab questions on the mid-term exams. We are not doing that this year.

    Assigned Problems

    We do not post solutions to the assigned problems. That's what problem sessions, office hours, and help sessions are for. The problems from Wolfson have answers to odd numbered problems in the back of the book. If even numbered problems from Wolfson are given as assigned problems, we provide answers on the Problem Assignments sheet.

    The answers to many of the Additional Problems (for example A6) are given at the end of the Supplementary Reading book. Please note that many of the Additional Problems involve you making a measurement or prediction, or drawing a graph, etc. so those are harder to provide answers for. So if you have questions about Additional Problems that you didn't have answered in Problem Session, please come to an instructor's office hours.