ELEC 320 Class Notes, Fall 2004

August 25: Pages 1-22 of textbook (PDF file)

August 30:

September 1 and 3:

September 6: Insights for filter design (PDF)

Guest lecture: Please attend the following lecture on Monday, September 13, at 3 PM.
Dr. Andrew Jones, "A concept for motion-compensated radiotherapy," in room Dana 113.

September 10: Classes of signals

September 15 and 17:

September 22: Solution to Exam 1

September 24: Class notes on Chapter 2

September 29: Steps in Computing Continuous-Time Convolution

October 4:Applications of convolution

October 11: MATLAB/Simulink program fsgen.mdl to experiment with Fourier series. To run the program:

  1. Download the file fsgen.mdl
  2. Start Matlab
  3. Type fsgen at the Matlab prompt
  4. Under the Simulation menu, choose Start
  5. Open the "slider gains" by double-clicking on them
  6. Click the binocular icon on the plots to rescale the axes, if necessary
  7. Try to build a square wave and a triangle wave

October 13, 15, and 18:

October 20: Exam 2 and solution

October 22: Matlab program sqrfilt.m to find the response of a low-pass RC circuit with frequency response H(w) = 1 / (1 + j (w/wc)) to a square wave using compact trigonometric Fourier series.

October 29: Matlab program for truncated, exponential Fourier series of triangle wave: fstrun_exp.m

November 3 and 5: Fourier transform notes, pages 1-4 and pages 5-6

November 8, 10, 12, and 15: Fourier transform applications

November 17:

November 19: Solution to Exam 3 and link to histogram of scores

November 29:

December 1: Notes on Laplace transform:

December 3: