The research of my group mainly focuses on understanding systems out of equilibrium. Non-equilibrium systems are ubiquitous: Most biological and ecological systems, financial markets, social interactions to name a few. However they are still not well-understood due to the complexity. Using some simplified modeling and taking advantage of computer simulation and visualization, we try to extract some quantitative insights. Our recent interest has been the rich spatiotemporal dynamics exhibited by the cross-feeding process in bacteria. A deep understanding of the emergence of cross-feeding phenomenon helps bring insights into the rich biodiversity we observe in even nutrient-poor ecological environments.

My research partly funded through
    the National Science Foundation grants: MCB-2029480 (2020-2023), DMR-1248387 (2012-2016), and DMR-1702321 (2018-2021).

Some research endeavors are enriched by activities such as being a KITP scholar.

A list of recent publications can be found here;

A complete CV can be found here.
