ENGR 695
Advanced Topics in Engineering Mathematics

Fall 2024


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Ungraded HW #7 (12/12/2024)

The assignment for HW #7, which consists of practice problems involving Laplace's equation, is now available. It will not be graded. The solutions are available at the course Moodle site.

You will be expected to be familiar with the concepts highlighted in the practice problems when you take the final exam.

HW #6 Solutions (12/12/2024)

The solutions to the graded and ungraded problems in HW #6 are now available at the course Moodle site.

Old ENGR 695 Final Exam (12/11/2024)

A copy of the ENGR 695 Final Exam from Spring 2021 with solutions is now available at the course Moodle site in the section labeled "Exams From Past Offerings of ENGR 695."

Note that the topic coverage on exams from previous years could differ from that of this year's exams. If you encounter a problem that seems to involve skills or knowledge that we have not covered this semester or that we covered earlier, that is the likely reason.

There are no problems involving Laplace's equation on the Spring 2021 exam; however, a set of practice homework problems focused on that topic will be posted soon.

Help Sessions for Dec. 9–13 (12/11/2024)

I plan to be available at least at the following times this week:

  • Wednesday 3:30–5:00 pm (BRKI 368)
  • Thursday 3:30–5:00 pm (BRKI 368)
  • Thursday 9:30–10:15 pm (Zoom)

An additional help session or two will be scheduled for Monday, December 16 (the day before the final exam).

Guidelines and additional information:

  • Please contact me if you have a conflict with these times and would like to schedule a meeting at a different time.
  • The Zoom link is available at the course Moodle site.
  • If I am helping another student when you drop by, you may usually join in the conversation.
  • If I have been helping you for a relatively long time, I might pause our conversation to help other students who are waiting for assistance.
  • For in-person sessions, if I have finished helping you, please move out to the hall or somewhere else so that the chairs in my office are clear for newly arriving students.
  • As a courtesy during Zoom sessions, please use your camera.

HW #5 Solutions (12/10/2024)

The solutions to the graded and ungraded problems in HW #5 are now available at the course Moodle site.

Review Session for Final Exam (12/9/2024)

To help you prepare for the final exam, an optional review session will be offered at 8:00 pm on Sunday, December 15 in Breakiron 065 (our usual classroom). The room has been confirmed.

As with the previous review session, I will answer questions and work through example problems by request. The format of the session is therefore up to you. I strongly suggest that you come prepared with questions to ask.

If you cannot attend the review session and would like to meet with me at another time, please contact me or visit during one of the upcoming help sessions.

Lab #10 Assignment (12/9/2024)

The assignment for Lab #10 is now available on the Laboratory page.

Review Sheet for Final Exam (12/8/2024)

The review sheet for the final exam is now available on the Exams page. The major exam policies that will be in effect are also listed on the review sheet.

Reading Assignment for Dec. 9 (12/8/2024)

To prepare for the last lecture of the semester on Monday, continue reading Section 13.5 in the 6th edition of the textbook by D. G. Zill.

Selected Answers to HW #6 (12/8/2024)

Answers to selected graded problems in HW #6 are now available on the Homework Assignments page.

Help Sessions for Dec. 8 & 9 (12/8/2024)

I plan to be available at least at the following times today (Sunday) and Monday:

  • Sunday 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)
  • Monday 5:30–6:30 pm (BRKI 368)
  • Monday 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)

I am also usually available right after class.

Additional help sessions will be scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday this week and next Sunday (Dec. 15) and Monday (Dec. 16).

Guidelines and additional information:

  • Please contact me if you have a conflict with these times and would like to schedule a meeting at a different time.
  • The Zoom link is available at the course Moodle site.
  • If I am helping another student when you drop by, you may usually join in the conversation.
  • If I have been helping you for a relatively long time, I might pause our conversation to help other students who are waiting for assistance.
  • For in-person sessions, if I have finished helping you, please move out to the hall or somewhere else so that the chairs in my office are clear for newly arriving students.
  • As a courtesy during Zoom sessions, please use your camera.

HW #6 (12/5/2024)

The assignment for HW #6 is now available. It is due via the course Moodle site at 11:59 pm on Tuesday, December 10.

Second Chance Exam Solutions (12/4/2024)

The solutions to the Second Chance Exam are now available at the course Moodle site.

Help Sessions for Dec. 2–6 (12/2/2024)

I plan to be available at least at the following times this week:

  • Tuesday 8:00–9:00 pm (Zoom)
  • Wednesday 4:00–5:00 pm (BRKI 368)
  • Thursday 5:00–6:00 pm (BRKI 368)
  • Thursday 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)
  • Friday 4:00–5:00 pm (BRKI 368)

I am also usually available right after class.

Guidelines and additional information:

  • Please contact me if you have a conflict with these times and would like to schedule a meeting at a different time.
  • The Zoom link is available at the course Moodle site.
  • If I am helping another student when you drop by, you may usually join in the conversation.
  • If I have been helping you for a relatively long time, I might pause our conversation to help other students who are waiting for assistance.
  • For in-person sessions, if I have finished helping you, please move out to the hall or somewhere else so that the chairs in my office are clear for newly arriving students.
  • As a courtesy during Zoom sessions, please use your camera.

Lab #9 Assignment (12/2/2024)

The assignment for Lab #9 is now available on the Laboratory page.

Reading Assignment for Dec. 2–6 (12/1/2024)

Read Sections 16.2 (focus on the Crank-Nicholson method) and 13.5 in the 6th edition of the textbook by D. G. Zill.

HW #4 Solutions (11/29/2024)

The solutions to the graded and ungraded problems in HW #4 are now available at the course Moodle site.


Site maintained by:
Associate Professor David F. Kelley
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, USA
e-mail: dkelley AT bucknell DOT edu

Updated: December 12, 2024

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