Exam Policies
- Calculators might be permitted. Permission to use them could vary from
exam to exam.
- Cell phones, audio and/or video playback devices (such as iPods), personal
digital assistants, and other small electronic devices must be put away
during the exam. If you rely on any of these devices to keep track of time,
you should make arrangements either to wear a watch or to sit where you can
see the classroom clock.
- Headphones may not be worn during any exam.
- One 8 1/2 x 11 inch two-sided help sheet is allowed for the first exam.
You may include any information you wish on the help sheet; there are no
restrictions. It may be handwritten, a collection of photocopied material,
or any combination of the two.
One additional sheet may be used for each subsequent exam. That is, one
sheet may be used for Exam #1, two sheets for Exam #2, and so forth.
- Books and/or notes other than the help sheets are not permitted.
- Errors usually will not propagate.
- Full compliance with the university's academic responsibility policies is
expected of all students.
Advice on Preparing for and Taking Exams