ECEG 390
Theory and Applications of Electromagnetics

Spring 2025


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Updated Table and Formula Sheets (3/6/2025)

At the request of one of your classmates, design formulas for series and shunt element matching networks and for the lengths of short and open-circuited stubs have been added to the table and formula sheets that will be made available to you during this semester's exams. A copy of the updated version is now available at the Moodle site in the Additional Resources section.

Remember that you may use two self-prepared handwritten help sheets during Exam #2 in addition to the table and formula sheet. I will give you only the first two pages of the formula sheet to use during Exam #2 since the third page refers to material that we have not covered yet.

Notes on Short Transmission Line Stubs (3/6/2025)

A set of notes entitled "Equivalent Inductance and Capacitance of Short Transmission Line Stubs" is now available at the Moodle site in the Supplemental Readings section. It focuses on approximate expressions for the input impedance of electrically short stubs. The notes show how the input impedance expressions reduce to the familiar impedance formulas for lumped inductors and capacitors. The results might help you remember whether the reactance of a particular type of stub should be positive or negative.

The reading is optional and is intended to provide additional insight. It might also be helpful if your knowledge of transmission line theory is still forming and you are still struggling to manipulate the relevant formulas.

Review Session for Exam #2 (3/5/2025)

To help you prepare for Exam #2, an optional review session will be offered at 1:00 pm on Thursday, March 6 in Dana 303. The room reservation has been confirmed.

If you cannot attend the review session but would like to meet with me at some other time before the exam, please contact me.

Help Sessions for Mar. 3–7 - UPDATE (3/5/2025)

I plan to be available at least at the following times this week.

  • Monday, 5:00–6:00 pm (BRKI 368)
  • Tuesday 5:00–6:00 pm (BRKI 368)
  • Tuesday, 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)
  • Thursday, 5:00–5:30 pm (BRKI 368) - will stay later if necessary
  • Thursday, 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)

I am usually available for short consultations on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 1:50 pm in Dana 319 and at 3:50 pm in BRKI 264.

Guidelines and additional information:

  • Please contact me if you have a conflict with these times and would like to schedule a meeting at a different time.
  • The Zoom link is available at the course Moodle site.
  • If I am helping another student when you drop by, you may usually join in the conversation.
  • If I have been helping you for a relatively long time, I might pause our conversation to help other students who are waiting for assistance.
  • For in-person sessions, if I have finished helping you, please move out to the hall or somewhere else so that the chairs in my office are clear for newly arriving students.
  • As a courtesy during Zoom sessions, please use your camera.

Additional Shunt Element Matching Examples (3/4/2025)

Two examples of the design of single shunt stub impedance matching systems have been added to the course Moodle site in the Supplemental Readings section. They are meant to give you additional practice.

HW #4 Solutions (3/4/2025)

The solutions to HW #4 are now available at the course Moodle site.

List of Individual Investigation Topics (3/3/2025)

A list of representative topics that would be acceptable for the Individual Investigation assignment is now available on the Homework Assignments page. The list will be updated frequently.

The list is meant to serve as a source of ideas. You may select a topic from the list, but you do not have to. You may choose a topic that is not on the list.

You must choose a topic that is very specific and theoretical in scope and that requires a significant amount of mathematical and/or analytical work to explain. All topics are subject to prior approval.

More topics could be added to the list as the semester progresses.

Individual Investigation Assignment (3/3/2025)

A description of the Individual Investigation assignment is now available on the Homework Assignments page. A list of representative topics that would be acceptable for the assignment will be posted there soon.

If you and another student agree to trade presentation times, you must contact me before the earlier student's proposal is due.

Review Sheet for Exam #2 (3/2/2025)

The review sheet for Exam #2 is now available on the Exams page.

Sunday and Monday Help Sessions (3/2/2025)

I plan to be available at least at the following times on Sunday and Monday this week. The schedule for the rest of the week will be posted soon.

  • Sunday, 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)
  • Monday, 5:00–6:00 pm (BRKI 368)

Guidelines and additional information:

  • Please contact me if you have a conflict with these times and would like to schedule a meeting at a different time.
  • The Zoom link is available at the course Moodle site.
  • If I am helping another student when you drop by, you may usually join in the conversation.
  • If I have been helping you for a relatively long time, I might pause our conversation to help other students who are waiting for assistance.
  • For in-person sessions, if I have finished helping you, please move out to the hall or somewhere else so that the chairs in my office are clear for newly arriving students.
  • As a courtesy during Zoom sessions, please use your camera.

Reading Assignments for Mar. 3–7 (3/1/2025)

  • M: Sections 9-1 and 9-2
  • W: Section 9-2 and the supplemental reading "Radiation Power and Directivity of Antennas"
  • R: Section 9-2 and the supplemental reading "Radiation Power and Directivity of Antennas"
  • F: [Exam #2]

You may skim the text in Chapter 9 between Equations (9.2) and (9.7). The important results are Equations (9.8), which form the foundation for our coverage of antennas.

Selected Answers to HW #4 (3/1/2025)

The answers to selected graded problems in HW #4 are now available on the Homework Assignments page.

HW #3 Solutions (2/27/2025)

The solutions to HW #3 are now available at the course Moodle site.

HW #4 (2/25/2025)

The assignment for HW #4 is now available. It is due via Moodle at 11:59 pm on Monday, March 3.

Notes on Real and Reactive Power (2/24/2025)

A set of supplemental notes focusing on how real and reactive power are calculated is now available at the Moodle site in the "Additional Resources" section. The reading is optional and is intended for review purposes. The notes might be helpful if your knowledge of real and reactive power is a bit shaky.

Exam #1 Solutions (2/24/2025)

The solutions to Exam #1 are now available at the course Moodle site.

Exam #1 Results (2/24/2025)

The average score for Exam #1 was 73.5. The average score breakdowns for the individual problems (converted to percentages) were:

  • Prob. 1 - 59%
  • Prob. 2 - 78%
  • Prob. 3 - 88%
  • Prob. 4 - 87%
  • Prob. 5 - 56%

Average scores will be available on the Exams page throughout the semester.

Help Sessions for Feb. 24–28 (2/23/2025)

I plan to be available at least at the following times this week.

  • Monday, 5:00–6:00 pm (BRKI 368)
  • Monday, 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)
  • Tuesday 5:00–6:00 pm (BRKI 368; tentative)
  • Wednesday 8:00–8:30 pm (Zoom) - will stay later if necessary
  • Thursday, 5:00–5:30 pm (BRKI 368) - will stay later if necessary
  • Thursday 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)

I am usually available for short consultations on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 1:50 pm in Dana 319 and at 3:50 pm in BRKI 264.

Guidelines and additional information:

  • Please contact me if you have a conflict with these times and would like to schedule a meeting at a different time.
  • The Zoom link is available at the course Moodle site.
  • If I am helping another student when you drop by, you may usually join in the conversation.
  • If I have been helping you for a relatively long time, I might pause our conversation to help other students who are waiting for assistance.
  • For in-person sessions, if I have finished helping you, please move out to the hall or somewhere else so that the chairs in my office are clear for newly arriving students.
  • As a courtesy during Zoom sessions, please use your camera.

Selected Answers to HW #3 (2/23/2025)

The answers to selected graded problems in HW #3 are now available on the Homework Assignments page.

Reading Assignments for Feb. 24–28 (2/23/2025)

  • M: Section 2-9 and the last section ("Stub Length") of the supplemental reading "Impedance Matching Using Single Transmission Line Stubs"
  • W: Section 2-9
  • R: Sections 4-1, 6-0, 9-0, and 9-1
  • F: Section 9-1

Sections 6-0 and 9-0 are the introductions to Chapters 6 and 9, respectively.

You may skim the text in Chapter 9 between Equations (9.2) and (9.7). If you do not completely understand it, don't worry; we will go over a semi-intuitive justification of Equations (9.8), which form the foundation for our coverage of antennas.

Help Sessions for Feb. 16–21 - 2ND UPDATE (2/21/2025)

I plan to be available at least at the following times this week.

  • Sunday, 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)
  • Monday, 5:00–6:00 pm (BRKI 368)
  • Wednesday 5:00–5:30 pm (BRKI 368) - will stay later if necessary
  • Wednesday 9:00–10:00 pm (Zoom)
  • Friday 5:00–5:30 pm (Zoom) - will stay later if necessary

I am usually available for short consultations on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 1:50 pm in Dana 319 and at 3:50 pm in BRKI 264.

Guidelines and additional information:

  • Please contact me if you have a conflict with these times and would like to schedule a meeting at a different time.
  • The Zoom link is available at the course Moodle site.
  • If I am helping another student when you drop by, you may usually join in the conversation.
  • If I have been helping you for a relatively long time, I might pause our conversation to help other students who are waiting for assistance.
  • For in-person sessions, if I have finished helping you, please move out to the hall or somewhere else so that the chairs in my office are clear for newly arriving students.
  • As a courtesy during Zoom sessions, please use your camera.

Site maintained by:
Associate Professor David F. Kelley
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, USA
e-mail: dkelley AT bucknell DOT edu

Updated: March 6, 2025

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