ECEG 350
Electronics I

Fall 2024


Bucknell University Course Catalog Description

"Introduction to semiconductor components, device physics, and modeling. Applications and practical design considerations of circuits based on operational amplifiers, diodes, voltage regulators, transistors, and CMOS logic gates."

Detailed Description

More specifically, this course introduces students to the design and application of electronic components made from semiconducting materials, primarily silicon. The specific devices covered include diodes, metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs), complementary metal-oxide semiconductor FETs (CMOS), and bipolar junction transistors (BJTs). Realistic performance characteristics of the operational amplifier (op-amp), a versatile type of integrated circuit composed of BJTs, FETs, or both, are also explored. Coverage of op-amps is more extensive than it is in the 200-level courses. Basic power supply and linear voltage regulator circuits are covered since they appear everywhere, yet their design principles are often neglected.

Diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits are the fundamental building blocks of almost all electronic systems used in the modern world, including computers, microcontrollers, wireless systems (such as smart phones and IoT devices), robot control systems, electric drives, and home entertainment systems. This course introduces the classical circuit applications of semiconductor devices and covers important practical design issues.


ECEG 210 is the prerequisite for this course. Other courses or relevant previous experience can be substituted for the prerequisite course with permission of the instructor.

Class Meetings

The lecture portion of this course is scheduled to meet 10:00–10:50 am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Breakiron 264. The lab sections are scheduled to meet 1:00–2:50 pm and 3:00–4:50 pm Tuesday in Dana 307.

Course Outcomes

A student who successfully completes this course should be able to:

  1. Predict and/or mitigate the effects of the nonideal properties of operational amplifiers on circuit performance.
  2. Predict the common-mode and differential-mode performance of difference and instrumentation amplifiers based on operational amplifiers.
  3. Analyze and/or design circuits involving diodes using the piecewise linear diode model.
  4. Analyze and/or design power supply circuits using linear voltage regulators.
  5. Determine the region of operation of a MOSFET or BJT.
  6. Determine and/or set the bias point (quiescent operating point) of a MOSFET or BJT circuit.
  7. Find transfer functions of basic MOSFET and/or BJT amplifier circuits, switching circuits, and digital logic circuits.

These outcomes are subject to change during the semester, although major changes are not likely. If any changes are made, a notification will be posted here, on the "Syllabus and Policies" page, and on the main course page.


Site maintained by:
Associate Professor David F. Kelley
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, USA
e-mail: dkelley AT bucknell DOT edu

Updated: September 26, 2024

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