Draft Archive

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Ben: Testing the message board.

Levent: testing...

Levent: Ben, can you by any chance put last year's draft somewhere?? I know that Millwood was a bad choice but I would like to see where else I went wrong...

Mike: Just testing.

Ben: Levent, I've added a link near the top of the main page that says "Last Year's Draft".

James: Lookin' good Ben

James: Lookin' good Ben


James: What happened?

James: I get it now.

Round 1 - James takes Randy Piazza Bagwell, LA - 2B/SS

Onder: Test... Will it again be NL this season? Just testing... :)

Onder: Test... Will it again be NL this season? Just testing... :)

Onder: Test... Will it again be NL this season? Just testing... :)

%commentname: So it doesn't work if I set the memory cache to 0. It's ok now.

Onder: See you at 11am (central) on sunday

Round 1 - Onder takes A. Rodriguez, TEX , %team - SS

Tom: Checking the draft stuff with my in-laws' computer: Hmm, I was going to take Ordonnez for my SS, but I see that I have already been signed up for Bordick. Is Rico Brogna still available at 1B?

Round 2 - Tom takes Brogna, Atl - 1B

Round 3 - Tom takes Dunston, SF - OF

Tom: By the way, these test picks WILL be cleared before the real draft, won't they :-)? (I have the go ahead to hop on for a couple of hours tomorrow at noon from the wife and in-laws, so assuming that I don't make anyone mad (i.e., Benita) today or tonight, I should be able to do the first couple of rounds.)

Levent: OK... I am ready :-))

Onder: Me too...

Mike: I am here and present: in case of difficulites my number is 949 824 2995

James: Let's light this candle. FTR my # is 805 893 7366

%commentname: I'm here. My phone is 816 525 9517

Ladd: Sorry, that last post was me. I forgot to push my name!

Ben: I'm here and ready to pick. Phone number is 570-577-3106. Who are we missing? Just John?

Ben: I'm going to reset the "draft roster" page - please abstain from making unofficial picks from now on.

John: Hi guys, I just got here and am as organized as ever.

Levent: would you like to have my number too ?? :-))

Mike: Well - if Ben picks now, we may have a record on time start?

John: My number is 301-975-5495.

Ben: I think Tom isn't here - his posts look like a test from earlier. But we can go ahead and start, and give him some time to appear before his pick (and if he doesn't show up, I have some drafting instructions for him). So, I'm going to start. Ready, set, .....

Round 1 - Ben takes Todd Helton, Col - 1B

Mike: For someone picking first that was a long delay between set and pick

John: You schmuck

Round 1 - John takes Randy Johnson, Ari - P

Round 1 - James takes bagwell, Hou - 1B

Ben: Funny, those were my top three.

James: Randy didn't live up to your expectations last year Ben?

Mike: Funny - I didn't even bother to list them being 6th

Round 1 - Levent takes Brown, LA - P

Ladd: I totally expected Ben to take Johnson. He must have something against dove killers.

Tom: Hi, I'm here.

Ben: Tom's first pick is pretty clear, so I will go ahead and make it for him..... (Mike, you might have to wait a bit....)

Ben: Never mind. Tom, pick away.

Tom: Ben, did you make the pick, or should I go ahead?

Round 1 - Tom takes Guerrero, Mon - OF

Mike: This is what I love about the message board - the interesting time delays.

Round 1 - Mike takes Sosa, Chi - OF

Ben: By the way, the line-wrapping problem with the draft roster page from last year should be fixed now. For one thing, we only have 4 columns instead of 5, but also I found out how to make "non breaking spaces".

Tom: Whew! Wasn't sure I'd make it there. I may have to cut away periodically, depending on my in-laws and the family. I'm probably good for 2 hours, maybe even 3 or more, depending on the circumstances.

Round 1 - Ladd takes Maddux, Atl - P

Round 1 - Onder takes Jones, Atl - 3B

Ben: Onder, you're aware you make 2 consecutive picks now? You finish round 1 and start round 2.

Round 2 - Onder takes Hoffman, SD - P

Ben: For what it's worth, I was very pleased with Johnson last year. But he's a year older. And so is Helton, which has the opposite meaning for him.

Round 2 - Ladd takes Piazza, NY - C

Round 2 - Mike takes Millwood, Atl - P

Round 2 - Tom takes Park, LA - P

Ben: Where's the chatter? I suppose everyone is studying, like I am.

James: Yes, I've got the perfect coffee buzz going and I don't want to waste it.

Mike: I am just trying to figure out how to keep track of all my windows without crashing windows!

Ben: Easy solution, Mike. Use Unix.

Mike: I think if I took the time to switch to UNIX now, it might slow the draft a bit!

Round 2 - Levent takes Nen, SF - P

Ben: Levent, you know it's your pick?

Round 2 - James takes schilling, Ari - P

Mike: However, I do see that Levent is drafting with his usual speed. Luckily, having placed 2nd to last, there is little pressure on my team. We are in a building period.

John: I suppose I should be talking with the long wait.

James: You can tell I use UNIX because all my names are lower case.

Round 2 - John takes Andrew Jones, Atl - OF

Mike: Maybe if I chatter enough it will distract the opposition. It really is my only hope this year as I am not even sure who is injured. I really hope that the USA today page is up to date!

Round 2 - Ben takes Barry Bonds, SF - OF

Mike: ooh - good pick John - also, in Toby's memory we need to abuse Atlanta as much as possible - besides I think he just backed out this year so no one would harass him about Duke winning!

Round 3 - James takes hidalgo, Hou - OF

John: Sorry, browser problem!

Ben: I wasn't prepared for the possibility of drafting Bonds in the 2nd round - now my whole scheme is ruined. He he he.

Mike: Since I clearly have nothing else to do, I noticed that John has picked Jones twice - can that be fixed Ben, now that you don't pick for awhile?

James: I got Bonds at the end of round two last year was well, I don't know what thats about.

John: I should have said browser operator error - need to hit back before reload here or apparently you resend your message!

Mike: is levent in another country or something? Is that what takes so long :)

John: Sometime this decade Bonds is going to get old!

Round 3 - Levent tries to take jones, C, Atl - 3B

Ben: Sorry Levent, Jones is taken.

Tom: Should I wait here? I gather that C. Jones is not still available.

Mike: Clearly Ben in all your free time you need to add a feature that sends an abusive message to someone who takes a previously selected player. Of course, I may change my mind when I do that!

Ben: Yes, Tom, it's best to wait. We had some problem with this last year.

Round 3 - Levent takes Abreu, Phi - OF

Round 3 - Tom takes Urbina, Mon - P

Levent: Mike, it's only 9:30 there... and 7:30 here... I have been running around all day, give me a break, will you ?? :-))

Round 3 - Mike takes Leiter, NY - P

Mike: Levent - I just need all the help I can get. Clearly, I am not abusing you enough since you had the intelligence to steal my brillantly planned third round pick. I never pick pitchers this early, you have forced me to change my entire game plan!

Round 3 - Ladd takes Benitez, NY - P

Ben: Levent forced Mike to change his plan, Bonds forced me to change mine....scary coincidence? I think not.

Ben: Ladd, you suck.

Round 3 - Onder takes Griffey, Cin - OF

Ben: And by the way, Ladd, how's it going? How was Arizona?

Round 3 - Ben takes Tom Glavine, Atl - P

Ben: I wanted either Benitez or Griffey ... and they were the last two picked in front of me.

Round 3 - John takes Jeff Kent, SF - 2B

Ladd: It's going good here in KC. The temps about 80 today. I'm missing an early Easter egg hunt at the neighbor's right now. Arizona was awesome. The only spring training game we went to was between the Cubs and Giants. There was a brawl and Julian Tavarez, the Cubs pitcher, did a flying kick to the chest of the batter charging the mound. Kim was yelling: Get the camera! Get the camera!

James: Well, I wanted Glavin at the end of the next round.

Ben: Levent, you start round 4.

Levent: testing

Ben: I've always thought Glavine was a bit over-rated, and I've never had him on my team until now. Well, got to get used to it.

James: I guess you could say he's the worst 2 time Cy Young winner I can remember...

Mike: good pick John - hope this comment doesn't curse you :)

James: I hope it does (go Dodgers).

Ben: By the way, it's now 40 minutes into the draft and we've finished 3 rounds. We just started at this point last year.

Ben: Levent, are you done testing?

John: Even more important I just finished my lunch!

Ben: While we're waiting, I should mention that anyone who usually gets a Christmas card from me but didn't get one, don't feel offended. We didn't get any cards out this year - we're still trying. Part of the problem is that I've lost my address book.

James: Thats same same excuse most of my friends use after they have a baby.

John: If you had gotten Christmas cards out, I think I would have puked. I don't think we have found time to throw out the ones we got!

Ben: James: I've oggled your trophy long enough. Could you give me your address again so I can send it to you?

Mike: All these first time parents - the joy of it all.

Levent: reload does not work... help...

John: Apparently levent is testing our patience not the message board. Can you get an email to him Ben?

Mike: what would a draft be without techincal problems - I blame it all on Ben for mentioning that we hadn't started at this time last year!

Ladd: Levent, try to find your temporary internet files folder and manually delete the this page.

Round 4 - Levent takes sheffield, LA - OF

Round 4 - Tom takes Kendall, Pit - C

Round 4 - Mike takes Casey, Cin - 1B

Ben: I've emailed Levent with all the advice I know to give him. And I gave him the 3rd round picks and told him to make a pick. Anyone else who has advice should go ahead and send it to him. He can sort through and find what works.

Round 4 - Ladd takes Dempster, Fla - P

Tom: So, do I pick right after James next round (i.e., jump over Levent)?

Mike: Tom - thanks for picking so quickly - I almost selected out of turn I got so confused waiting. Levent - good luck getting this sorted out. I have no advice since I hate computers and can't seem to make them work.

Levent: Thanks for trying but, can you tell me what else I can do?? I have two computers, one using explorer, the other netscape so that this problem does not happen, and then both computers get stuck at the same place and does not reload??

Ben: Yes, Tom. You're the first pick in round 5. And in any other round number which, modulo 8, yields 5. 4 is right out....

Mike: Onder realizes that we have made it to him?

Round 4 - Onder takes McGwire, StL - 1B

Tom: So, when's the last time that McGwire went as late as the fourth round?

Onder: I was just "testing" :)

Round 4 - Ben takes Brian Giles, Pit - OF

Round 4 - John takes Jeff Cirillo, Col - 3B

Round 4 - James takes kile, StL - P

Ben: In case anyone is wondering, the previous rounds disappeared to a page which you can reach from the top menu ("Previous Rounds")

Round 5 - Tom takes Drew, StL - OF

Tom: (Sitting back for a little nap ...)

Round 5 - Mike takes Jenkins, Mil - OF

Round 5 - Ladd takes Walker, Col - OF

Round 5 - Onder takes Astacio, Col - P

Round 5 - Ben takes Kerry Wood, Chi - P

Levent: Ben, my "previous rounds" is empty... :-(

Round 5 - John takes Edgardo Alfonzo, NY - 2B/SS

Round 5 - James takes wilson, Fla - OF

Round 5 - Levent takes Castillo, Fla - 2B

Ben: Levent, it's somehow the same problem. Your browser is using a cached version of the page....

Ben: Mike, you know it's your pick? (Couldn't resist...)

James: Yeah Mike, get the lead out.

Round 6 - Mike takes Hundley, Chi - C

Mike: The problem was I knew it was both my pick, and I wasn't picking for awhile - and John, once again, took my pick. I am right on track with at least one person in front of me every round!

Round 6 - Ladd takes Green, LA - OF

Round 6 - Onder takes Johnson, Fla - C

Round 6 - Ben takes Rafael Furcal, Atl - SS

Ben: Ladd: you took my pick again.

Ladd: Ben, I didn't take your pick. I knew that you really wanted Furcal!

Round 6 - John takes Jim Edmonds, StL - OF

James: John's turn right?

Ben: Actually, I was choosing between Green and player X. But once Green was gone, I suddenly (well, it took me a few seconds) realized I wanted Furcal more than player X.

Round 6 - James takes nevin, SD - 3B

Ben: Jim Edmonds was player X.

John: Ben- when I picked Alfonzo I didn't realize I needed to select 2B/SS for the position and he overwrote Kent on the draft page. Can we fix this?

Round 6 - Levent takes Womack, Ari - SS

Round 6 - Tom takes Rolen, Phi - 3B

Tom: So, Levent, is your browser working again? You've been really fast on the past couple of picks ...

Ben: John - it should be fixed. General reminder for everyone: my program isn't sofistikated enough to know that your 2nd 2nd baseman is really your middle infielder, etc. So you have to choose 2B/SS or 1B/3B when you pick your utility infielders (Alfonzo as a utility infielder is kind of a funny idea).

Mike: Ladd knows I am getting skipped and it is round 7?

John: I was kind of surprised to get Edmonds with Ben picking before me.

Round 7 - Ladd takes Young, Chi - 2B

Tom: Ladd's turn now, correct?

Tom: Oops, phase-shifted in time. I just hate it when that happens ...

Round 7 - Onder takes Vidro, Mon - 2B

Ben: John: I really needed the stolen bases.

Round 7 - Ben takes Dave Veres, StL - P

Round 7 - John takes Jeff Shaw, LA - P

Round 7 - James takes wagner, Hou - P

Ben: run on relievers!

Round 7 - Levent takes Rocker, Atl - P

Round 7 - Tom takes Walker, Col - 2B

Ben: Tom, Walker isn't a reliever...

James: Yeah, I missed out on the run on 2B.

Round 7 - Mike takes Renteria, StL - SS

Ben: Mike, it's YOUR pick...

Mike: With the run on relievers and middle infielders while I was out - I got really confused and didn't know which bandwagon to join!

Ben: Onder, you know it's your pick?

Round 8 - Onder takes Goodwin, LA - OF

Round 8 - Ben takes Jeff D'Amico, Mil - P

Round 8 - John takes Livan Hernandez, SF - P

Round 8 - James takes mantei, Ari - P

Tom: I was wondering when Mantei would go.

James: me too, he kinda messed up my plan.

Round 8 - Levent takes Alou, Hou - OF

Round 8 - Tom takes Aurilla, SF - SS

Round 8 - Mike takes Dreifort, LA - P

James: Good luck with that Mike. Signing him was one of the worst moves the Dodgers have made, and thats saying something.

Mike: Well, I am taking another change on a Dodger pitcher! James - you may regret this pick on my part as I tend to cause pitchers to have their worse season of their career!

Round 8 - Ladd takes Gonzalez, Ari - OF

Mike: James: as I said - I don't have far to move down in the league - so a few chances are in order.

Round 9 - Ben takes Fernando Tatis, Mon - 3B

Ben: I first selected 'StL' for Tatis and had to change it to 'Mon'. Sniff.

James: I don't think he needed you to pick him to have a bad year.

Tom: Still smarting over that trade, huh Ben?

Round 9 - John takes Steve Finley, Ari - OF

Round 9 - James takes biggio, Hou - 2B

Ben: James has the killer B's. Well, the white ones.

Round 9 - Levent takes Graves, Cin - P

Round 9 - Tom takes Elarton, Hou - P

Round 9 - Mike takes Alfonseca, Fla - P

Mike: What's slowing me down of all things is trying to remember what round it is that I am drafting in! (clearly, having to find good players isn't something I am overly concerned about!)

Round 9 - Ladd takes Floyd, Fla - OF

Round 9 - Onder takes Larkin, Cin - SS

Round 10 - John takes Ryan Klesko, SD - 1B

Round 10 - James takes vazquez, Mon - P

Round 10 - Levent takes Karros, LA - 1B/3B

Round 10 - Tom takes Burnitz, Mil - OF

Round 10 - Mike tries to take Wilson, Fla - OF

James: I've got wilson

Mike: I was wondering how long I could wait on Karros - clearly not this long!

Mike: I also knew I would eventually pick someone already picked - that's why Ben needs to add the nasty message when you try this!

Ben: I thought "tries to take" without boldface was nasty enough. Maybe I'm too subtle.

Round 10 - Mike takes Burrell, Phi - OF

Mike: did I find someone not already picked?

Round 10 - Ladd takes Berkman, Hou - OF

Mike: "tries to" was certainly nasty enough - just to delayed. It should happen when I hit the submit pick button (as if you don't have enough to do already!)

Round 10 - Onder takes Hampton, Col - P

Tom: Boy, that's saying something when a pitcher making $5 billion per year ends up in the 10th round.

Round 10 - Ben takes Bruce Chen, Phi - P

Ladd: Onder with two starting pitchers and they both pitch for Colorado! Not a good sign for that ERA and WHIP.

Ben: I thought that was $5 billion a pitch. Must have confused it with Microsoft's softball team.

Round 11 - James takes ward, Hou - OF

Round 11 - Levent takes Lopez, Atl - C

Round 11 - Tom takes Sexson, Mil - 1B

Tom: Polly's frog picked that last one for me. (Don't ask for an explanation.)

Round 11 - Mike takes A.Brown, Pit - OF

Ben: I was trying to decide between Chen and Javy Lopez.

John: Boy, I go to the bathroom during my break and people are picking players that didn't make my magazine!

Levent: I can trade :-))

Round 11 - Ladd takes Leskanic, Mil - P

Tom: Sorry, Ben, but Polly's frog would have gone with Lopez.

Levent: John, you only have one magazine??

Ben: That just goes to show what a frog knows! Even if it is Polly's (and don't tell her I said that!)

Ben: I would propose a break after round 12. I need to walk around and release some adrenaline.

Round 11 - Onder takes Rusch, NY - P

Mike: Heck - John's ahead of me if he has a whole magazine - I have a few ripped pages from Baseball Weekly.

Levent: Tom, pls ask the frog to find a good P for me, the last pick was pretty good...

Round 11 - Ben takes Mike Lieberthal, Phi - C

Round 11 - John takes Randy Wolf, Phi - P

Tom: Break after 11 makes sense to me, since I'm beginning to feel some pressure to get off the computer. Maybe I can do my 12th round pick (since I'll be starting that round), then break. After the break, Ben, you might have to take over for me. Take a look at the email that I sent you with a list of young pitchers -- you can start throwing them in if I can't log back on.

Mike: Ben - can you remind me of the rules for drafting a player that is currently on the DL

John: I wanted Lieberthal!

Round 12 - Levent takes Lieber, Chi - P

Tom: Wait, I'm phase-shifted. Can we break after 12 instead of after 11?

Ben: You can draft someone on the DL, but you can't replace them unless (1) their injury becomes significantly worse, i.e. surgery comes into the picture or something, or (2) some time in May. I can't remember when exactly. End of May? Beginning of May?

Round 12 - Tom takes Bell, Cin - P

Ben: Break after 12, as long as Tom can hang in that long.

Levent: Our rule was to get stuck with the injured player for one month (8th of May in this case)

Ben: Levent, frog or no frog, you found your good pitcher. I have been considering Lieber for about the last 3 rounds.

Levent: Ben, you keep getting my pitchers... good luck with Wood though, he helped me greatly two years ago, but now...

James: Yeah, Wood didn't really do jack for me, I thought he was a steal when I got him.

Ben: I probably took Wood a little early, but I'm counting on him for some K's. I think he's healthy, it's just a matter of what he's got left after being Rigglemanned.

Round 12 - Mike takes Reese, Cin - 2B

Tom: The heat is on! I gotta split. I've given Ben some instructions. Hopefully, I'll be back on in an hour or so.

Round 12 - Ladd takes Reed, NY - P

Ben: Tom is at his in-law's for Passover, so he's done pretty well to wrestle free this much time.

Round 12 - Onder takes Bottalico, Phi - P

Round 12 - Ben takes Ray Lankford, StL - OF

Round 12 - John takes Mike Lowell, Fla - 1B/3B

Ben: John and James to go, then let's start up again in around 10 minutes.

Round 12 - James takes glanville, Phi - OF

Levent: Mike, whenever you find the time, can you send me a copy (pdf) of your JChemPhys 111, 3675 (1999). In our library we are having some difficulty...

Levent: s***, Philadelphia just scored three runs on Lieber...

James: Levent, thats what you get for bring up journals.

Ben: I'm back, and if I'm thinking clearly, Tom starts round 13. So I will make his pick.

Round 13 - Tom takes Alex Ochoa, Cin - OF

Round 13 - Mike takes ventura, NY - 3B

Mike: I think I am both picking at the right time and someone who has not been picked!

Ben: Mike: you forgot to capitalize his name.

Round 13 - Ladd takes Williams, Ari - 3B

Round 13 - Onder takes Benson, Pit - P

Round 13 - Ben takes Shane Reynolds, Hou - P

Round 13 - John takes Neifi Perez, Col - SS

Round 13 - James takes owens, Fla - OF

Mike: I am correct that it is Levent and then myself picking?

Round 13 - Levent takes Beltre, LA - 3B

Ben: Mike: yes, you start round 14.

Round 14 - Mike takes Williams, Pit - P

Levent: BTW, James' Owens, was SD, not FLA, right??

Ben: It's the same guy, Eric Owens, but he was traded to Fla.

Round 14 - Ladd takes Jimenez, Col - P

Ben: Damn it, Ladd!

James: What Ben said, re: Owens

Round 14 - Onder tries to take Floyd, Fla - OF

Ben: Onder, Ladd already took Floyd.

Ladd: Got you again Ben! I got Graves and Alfonseca taken right before me back in Rnd 9 when I wanted one of the two. Hey, I've got Floyd! ( wanna work a trade?)

John: I guess I wasn't going to Jimenez

Round 14 - Onder takes Stairs, Chi - OF

Onder: Ladd, make me an offer... :)

Round 14 - Ben takes Quilvio Veras, Atl - 2B

Round 14 - John takes Russ Ortiz, SF - P

Round 14 - James takes appier, NY - P

Round 14 - Levent takes Kotsay, SD - OF

Round 14 - Tom takes Brian Anderson, Ari - P

Round 15 - Ladd takes Lugo, Hou - SS

Round 15 - Onder takes Jordan, Atl - OF

Round 15 - Ben takes Benny Agbayani, NY - OF

Levent: Mike, did you get my earlier message??

Round 15 - John takes BJ Surhoff, Atl - OF

Mike: Levent - sorry, I did get your message - I have been trying to find players. I will send that to you when the draft ends.

Round 15 - James takes ausmus, Hou - C

John: Ben and Onder are killing me.

Levent: Mike, sorry, that wasn't what I meant... whenever meant whenever you have time during the week :-))

Round 15 - Levent takes Hollandsworth, Col - OF

Round 15 - Tom takes Todd Ritchie, Pit - P

Round 15 - Mike takes Person, Phi - P

Ben: Onder, your pick to start the 16th round.

Onder: Sorry guys netzero kicked me out...

Round 16 - Onder takes Hammonds, Mil - OF

Round 16 - Ben takes Bobby Estalella, SF - C

Tom: I'm back for an undetermined amount of time.

Round 16 - John takes Dmitri Young, Cin - OF

Round 16 - James tries to take kotsay, SD - OF

Mike: you bastard John - I finally find a player that I actually want to pick, and you pick him!

Levent: Well Mike, actually I was the bastard...

Levent: Well, so actually, I was not... but Kotsay is still mine... :-))

Ben: Wasn't Kotsay already picked?

Round 15 - James takes bergeron, Mon - OF

James: Oops.

Levent: And finally I get to pick a Pirate player...

Ben: I always find it insulting when someone I picked 8 rounds ago goes again. I at least hope the second person thinks he's getting a steal.

Mike: The confusion seems to be that Levent drafted him on Florida and I gather that he is now on SD. But, Levent should not be penalized for drafting him from the wrong team!

Round 16 - Levent takes Young, Pit - 1B

Ben: Good point, Mike. I'll fix that.

Mike: if I am up to date, Tom is back and is picking, then it is my pick?

Round 16 - Tom takes Stevens, Mon - 1B/3B

James: Kotsay Fla must be why I didn't cross him off my list.

Round 16 - Mike takes payton, NY - OF

Round 16 - Ladd takes White, Chi - OF

Levent: So guys, my stupid question, was Kotsay traded for Eric Owens?? :-))

Round 17 - Ben takes Fernando Vina, StL - 2B/SS

James: I think Kotsay was trade for Clement with Owens thrown in.

Round 10 - Levent takes Karros, LA - 1B/3B

Levent: last one was to correct my mistake on 1B/3B

Ben: Levent: it's better just to point it out in a comment. It's easier for me to fix that way. Next year I'll do this differently (since I made the mistake myself with Vina).

Round 17 - John takes Andy Ashby, LA - P

Round 17 - James takes gutierrez, Chi - SS

Ben: Actually, Levent, Young should be your 1B/3B, and Karros your 1B, since you drafted Karros first. Not that it matters much.

Round 17 - Levent takes Bell, Ari - 2B/SS

Round 17 - Tom takes Miller, Hou - P

Round 17 - Mike takes boone, Cin - 1B/3B

Round 17 - Ladd takes Williams, SD - P

Round 17 - Onder takes Grace, Ari - 1B/3B

Ben: John: your pick.

Round 18 - John takes Jeff Fassero, Chi - P

Round 18 - James takes penny, Fla - P

Round 18 - Levent takes Clement, Fla - P

Round 18 - Tom takes Darr, SD - OF

Round 18 - Mike takes franco, NY - P

John: Thigs seem a little tense here in the closing rounds!

Round 18 - Ladd takes Snow, SF - 1B

Mike: I am just hoping no one comes up with my picks - I don't have the energy to find out who is still available. Maybe if my sights are set low enough!

Mike: I am just hoping no one comes up with my picks - I don't have the energy to find out who is still available. Maybe if my sights are set low enough!

Round 18 - Onder takes Smoltz, Atl - P

Round 18 - Ben takes Marvin Benard, SF - OF

Mike: Onder: that just reminded me that I planned to pick him late in the draft! Too late now I guess.

Round 19 - James takes petrick, Col - C

Mike: levent's pick, correct?

Levent: yes, but this is the third time I am sending the pick...

Mike: It all goes silent in the late hours of the draft!

Round 19 - Levent takes Ankiel, StL - P

Tom: Very brave, Levent.

Round 19 - Tom takes Miller, Ari - C

Round 19 - Mike takes Rueter, SF - P

Ben: I was going to see how Ankiel pitches - his game starts in a few minutes - and pick him up late if he can pitch the 1st inning without a WP.

Tom: Is it 6 OFs or 7 total?

Ben: 6 OF. There's a space after the OF on the roster page to distinguish position players from pitchers.

Round 19 - Ladd takes Eaton, SD - P

Round 19 - Onder takes Hermanson, StL - P

Round 19 - Ben takes Matt Morris, StL - P

Round 19 - John takes Brent Mayne, Col - C

Ben: I was just trying to decide between Morris and Hermanson, and then Onder beat me to it.

Round 20 - Levent takes Bell, Pit - OF

Round 20 - Tom takes Wright, Mil - P

Round 20 - Mike takes dessens, Cin - P

Round 20 - Ladd takes Jackson, SD - 2B/SS

Round 20 - Onder takes Grudzielanek, LA - 2B/SS

Round 20 - Ben takes Britt Reames, Mon - P

Tom: Yep, still smarting over that trade, huh?

Ben: Yes, definitely. I almost took Hermanson in the 18th or 19th, though.

Round 20 - John takes Mike Matheny, StL - C

Round 20 - James takes belliard, Mil - 2B/SS

Tom: James, Polly's frog had just told me to pick Belliard. I should warn you -- she's really mad at you (both Polly _and_ her frog).

Ben: Tom: your pick.

Round 21 - Tom tries to take Damian Jackson, SD - 2B/SS

Ben: Sorry Tom, Ladd just took Jackson

Tom: Polly _really_ didn't want to pick Jackson, but she's okay with it now.

Round 21 - Tom takes Rios, SF - OF

Tom: Boy, Polly's frog is losing her touch :-(.

Mike: Damian is clearly a late round favorite for us missing the middle infield as I was going to pick him this round too!

James: Life is cruel, esp. if you're a baseball player picking frog.

Mike: as Rios was my other pick for this round, this will take just a sec.

Levent: Ben, are you listening to the game??

Round 21 - Mike takes rollins, Phi - 2B/SS

Ben: Levent: I'm watching it on ESPN game cast. Ankiel struck out 1, gave up a 2-run homer to Williams, but I don't think he was wild. Gonzalez had an excellent 12-pitch at bat off of Ankiel.

Round 21 - Ladd takes Armas, Mon - P

Levent: I am listening to the game, which is slightly better :-))

Round 21 - Onder takes Benes, StL - P

Round 21 - Ben takes Kerry Ligtenberg, Atl - P

Ladd: Way to go Williams! I was seriously wondering who would take the risk with Ankiel.

Tom: (From Polly): Mike! You're crazy! Me and my frog are going nuts now!! (We were planning on going for Rollins next.)

Ben: Ligtenberg is my last-ditch attempt to climb out of the cellar in saves. I'm just hoping Rocker explodes...

James: It sounds like the frog could be the next GM for the Dodgers.

Mike: could the frog find some more outfielders, John and I need them

Levent: Tom, tell the frog to look to leftover Pirate outfielders... one of them is especially good...

Ben: John just sent me an email saying his computer lost its connection - he's working on getting it back. I'm a little puzzled how he could send the email, but what do I know?

Tom: (From Polly) "No way, Jose!" (Mike, she's still mad at you, so don't depend on the frog for any help with OFs.)

James: Too bad he didn't email you his pick.

Round 21 - John tries to take Jay Payton, NY - OF

Round 21 - James tries to take stairs , Chi - 1B/3B

John: Sorry for the delay my computer crapped out for a bit.

Ben: Maybe when you lose your connection you can send email, but only if it doesn't contain your pick. See, if you could email your pick, you could just as easily make your pick on the web page...

Ben: Stairs is gone.

Round 21 - James takes ramirez, Pit - 1B/3B

James: Dang.

John: I emailed you on my officemates computer - I should have sent the pick but wasn't thinking.

Ladd: Payton is gone.

Round 21 - Levent takes Barrett, Mon - C

Ben: Oops. Yup, John, you'll have to remake your pick.

Ben: NO MORE PICKS - until John remakes his.

Round 21 - John takes Scott Strickland, Mon - P

John: So close to making it through the draft without a major f*** up!

Ben: Okay, back to draft as usual. Thanks John, and I hope you didn't mind the teasing.

James: Whose turn, do I need to go again?

Mike: ok - I am easily confused, whose turn is it?

Ben: It's Mike's pick, first pick of the 22nd round.

James: I think its Tom's turn.

James: Right. I'll shut up now.