How do we make sure we’re not making the world worse?

--Ethical Thinking

The response to this prompt should be approximately one page. They should have subheadings, your name, and be completed by the date on the Schedule.


Read the following.


In the Resources directory of our shared course drive folder, look over the reflective prompts in tarot_cards_of_tech.pdf You will need Bucknell login to access this file. You may also access the original website directly.

You will be thinking through ethical blind spots in two other projects in the class. (The list of projects is in this file.)

  • Write down the names of the two projects you picked to comment.
  • For each project, answer the prompts of at least two of the tarot cards. Many of them may not apply, but we encourage you to really reflect on what could happen if someone was really bent on abusing your technology.
  • Submit what you have to the Google Classroom before the deadline. (No more than a page.)


In a team meeting time of your choice (before the submission deadline), every one reflects a bit on what their findings. No other written document needs to be submitted except the individual reflection.