How To Do Code Reviews Effectively?

The responses to this prompt consist of two parts, an individual part in which each member reads and reflects on the issue of code reviews, and a team part in which the team forms a consent on how the team performs code reviews and file this consent in your team drive.



Read the following two articles


Write up a page or so to address the following.

  • Write from your experiences, either through the course(s) at Bucknell or through your other experiences, what makes sense from the two articles. Quote an example or two if you can. Address the issue(s), not the individuals. Thus keep out any names in your writing.
  • List three to five practices you'd like to see your team to follow. You may come up some methods that have not listed in the above articles if you strongly beliveve them.

Save it to your individual project drive.


As a team, each member of the team brings a printed copy of what you wrote to the class. Discuss it with your teammates.

The team forms a consensus and decides five to seven best practices in code review that the team wants to follow. Write it up, save it in the team drive, and follow it in the up-coming code reviews. Submit it to the Google Classroom.