The Team is to write a report on your investigations for your project. The purpose is to become knowledgable of the Customer and the problem domain before the first meeting with your Customer. Depending on the project, different sections will be more appropriate. This report is due by 3 PM Wednesday September 15th, 2004. In your investigations include the following:
Have the recorder record all the ideas. Assuming the facilitator keeps the Team on track, the time-keeper should not allow this to proceed more than a half hour.
During a brainstorming session, the members should not worry about the feasibility of each suggestion. The primary purpose of brainstorming is to generate a lot of ideas. Also, the Team members should be receptive to all suggestions. Please don't be judgmental and say such comments as "That's a stupid idea!" Make sure everyone has the opportunity to participate.
Add the recorded suggestions to your Team Notebook.
The Team combines the good ideas generated by the brainstorming sessiona and includes them in their Investigative Report.