Rubric for End-of-Semester Team Presentations; CSCI 475; Presentations on December 1, 2004; Team ________________

A grading rubric for the end-of-semester Team presentations. Each Team has a maximum of 15 minutes to present their project. Each Team should introduce the purpose of their project, describe the Team's proposed design and interesting aspects of their design. Assume the members of the audience are other class members and, possibly, the Customers.

  1. Appearance (10 pts) ________
    Did the Team have a professional appearance? Suit and tie for men and business suit for women.

  2. Introduction (4 pts) ________
    Did the Team have an effectively prepared Introduction?

  3. Mechanics of Presentation (12 pts) ________
    Any "ums"? Good eye contact? Good use of voice dynamics? Did the Team stand straight and tall? Did the speakers fidget? Good use of gestures?

  4. Technical Content (25 pts) ________
    Did the Team present accurate and appropriate technical material?

  5. Organization and Clarity (20 pts) ________
    Was the presentation organized? Well rehearsed?
  6. Use of Visuals (10 pts) ________
    Did the Team make effective use of charts, overheads, Powerpoint?

  7. Conclusion (4 pts) ________
    Did the Team have an effectively prepared Conclusion?

  8. Teamwork (10 pts) ________
    Did all the Team members participate in the presentation?

  9. Time (5 pts) ________
    Did the Team keep within the alloted time?


Page maintained by hyde at Last update November 11, 2004

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