Computer Science Department, Bucknell University
CSCI 475/476 Senior Design Project
Final Oral Presentations
- Each Team has 15 minutes for their final oral presentaion on
Monday May 2, 2005 3 PM - 4: 30 PM in room 165 Breakiron.
- This is a formal presentation - the Team should dress up and
create power point slides.
- The audience will be your CSCI 475 classmates, our Customers,
Computer Science faculty, and other visitors. You may invite a friend
if you wish.
- Because of the new people in the audience, you should assume members
of the audience have never heard about your project.
- Suggested organization of the presentation:
- Title of Project - members of Team.
- Introduction - Describe the goal of the project. Why is it
important? Who are the targeted users? Describe the Customer and his
or her requirements.
- Describe the design approach. Design methodology used. Over all system
architecture. Justify the Team's design choices made, e.g., platform,
programming language, tools selected. Decribe interesting problems you
encountered and how you solved them.
- Screen shots of the working system to provide a flavor of the product.
- Status of project. Future enhancements.
- Conclusions and results. Reflect on the project experience.
What did you learn? What was valuable?
Page maintained by Dan Hyde, hyde at Last update
April 25, 2005
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