The king of all sample programs is shown and analyzed below:
class HelloWorldApp { method public static void main (java.lang.String[]) max_stack 2 { getstatic java.lang.System.out ldc "Hello World!" invokevirtual void return } }This program prints out "Hello World!". Note that this is a stand-alone Java application, NOT an applet. A line-by-line analysis of the program is shown below:
class HelloWorldAppThis is the declaration of the class HelloWorldApp. Note that the assembler generates a .class file based on the name of the class, not the name of the .jasm file. The class declaration can also include modifiers such as abstract, final, public, and interface. The class declaration can be followed by the extends or implements clauses.
method public static void main (java.lang.String[])This is the declaration for the method named main. Note the similarity to the Java method declaration (except for the additional method keyword preceeding the declaration). This method takes as an argument an array of references to the class java.lang.String (as do all main methods).
max_stack 2This line declares what the maximum size of the stack will be (in this case, it is two). This line can be followed by a max_locals line to denote the maximum number of local variables. If there is no max_locals line, the assembler automatically calculates it based on the declarations of named local variables.
getstatic java.lang.System.outThis line says to get a reference to the static field out from the java.lang.System class and push it onto the stack. The field's type is
ldc "Hello World!"This line pushes the string "Hello World!" onto the stack. The ldc command can take any constant as an argument.
invokevirtual void line invokes the virtual method println found in the class. The method takes a string as an argument (thus the ldc "Hello World!" command). Also, since this is a virtual method, a reference to an object must also be on the stack (thus the getstatic command).
Note that since methods can be overloaded, the entire method declaration (or signature) is required.
returnThis command causes the method to return void.
class HelloWorldApp extends java.lang.Object { Field java.lang.String tester /*field declaration*/ Field int myintfield = 125 Method public static void main (java.lang.String[]) max_stack 5 max_locals 12 { /*Sample accessing a class's own field (by creating an instance of it)*/ new HelloWorldApp /* create new instance of this class */ dup /*duplicate the value on the stack (i.e. the instance of the class)*/ invokenonvirtual void HelloWorldApp.<init>() HelloWorldApp myvar /* this is a variable declaration */ store myvar /* store the instance of the class in myvar */ load myvar ldc "Hello Country!" putfield java.lang.String tester /* store "Hello Country!" in tester */ getstatic java.lang.System.out load myvar /* This is here, cuz to get field, must have reference to the class instance on stack */ getfield java.lang.String tester invokevirtual void ldc 575 lookupswitch default nowhere { 1 : mylabel 5 : mysecondlabel 3356 : mythirdlabel } nowhere: ldc 99 tableswitch 85 to 87 default here { mylabel mysecondlabel mythirdlabel } /* sample use of long (or other constants) */ here: long mylong ldc 558359L /* should be ldc2_w, but assembler figures that out */ store mylong /* assembler generates lstore command */ getstatic java.lang.System.out load mylong invokevirtual void mylabel: /* sample use of double */ double mydouble ldc 3.14159267 /* should be ldc2_w, but assembler figures that out */ dstore 10 /* can use slot numbers or local var names here */ getstatic java.lang.System.out dload 10 invokevirtual void mysecondlabel: /*sample use of array*/ int[] myintarray /*variable declaration*/ bipush 5 /*number of elements in the array*/ newarray int store myintarray load myintarray bipush 1 /*index to store the upcoming value in*/ bipush 49 /*value to store in the array*/ iastore getstatic java.lang.System.out load myintarray bipush 1 iaload /*gets the value from array and leaves it on the stack*/ invokevirtual void mythirdlabel: /*sample use of array of references*/ HelloWorldApp[] myrefarray /*variable declaration*/ bipush 5 /*number of elements in the array*/ anewarray HelloWorldApp store myrefarray load myrefarray bipush 0 /*index to store the upcoming value in*/ load myvar /* this is a pointer to an instance of this class, it's the value to store in the array */ aastore load myrefarray bipush 0 aaload /*gets the value from array and leaves it on the stack*/ ldc "Hello Country!" putfield java.lang.String tester /* store "Hello Country!" in tester */ getstatic java.lang.System.out load myrefarray bipush 0 aaload /*gets the value from array and leaves it on the stack*/ getfield java.lang.String tester invokevirtual void /* Generic Hello World */ getstatic java.lang.System.out ldc "Hello World, Everyone!" invokevirtual void myfourthlabel: return myfifthlabel: pop return linenumbertable /*sample only! doesn't correspond to specific file!*/ { mysecondlabel 10 mythirdlabel 14 myfourthlabel 22 } localvariabletable /*sample only! doesn't correspond to specific vars!*/ { mysecondlabel mythirdlabel int myint 3 mylabel myfifthlabel byte mybyte 2 } } /* the init class (i.e. constructor) */ Method void <init> () max_stack 2 max_locals 1 { getstatic java.lang.System.out ldc "In the init method!" invokevirtual void aload_0 /* this is the instance of the class "passed" in as variable 0 */ invokenonvirtual void java.lang.Object.<init>() /*call superclass init*/ return } }