Elizabeth Dwornik, ’14

Project: Named-Entity Recognition
Duration: Summer 2013 – Spring 2014
Funding: Bucknell University Program for Undergraduate Research


Liz is working on a system that can annotate all of the named entities within a text. There are good systems that can identify named entities, however, identifying the type of named entity is a more challenging problem. Many successful systems use simple database lookup techniques and identify entities from a master gazetteer. We are working on a system that can distinguish among different types of named entities without a gazetteer. Our initial efforts will focus on distinguishing entities between location, organization, or person. We plan to start by developing a large set of regular expressions that can be used to classify the different types of entities.


  • Poster: Kalman Research Symposium 2013, April 13, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA


Liz pursued graduate school studies at Carnegie Mellon University, starting Fall 2014. She enrolled in the Software Management program in the Information Networking Institute. Congratulations, Liz!