Authentication 2 (Google OAuth / HTTPPoison)

DANA 325 X N M U F C R V T W S K P E H L Q A B G D I O

Deliverables from Mo, 02/17

not yet graded
  • Planets are loaded from the database and rendered in a table via a live route and LiveView (under /live/planets) (1 Point)

  • Table is sortable by name in ascending/descending order by clicking on the column header. A charot up/down should indicate current order. (2 Points)

  • Table is sortable by at least one other column in ascending/descending order by clicking on the column header. A charot up/down should indicate current order. (2 Points)

  • Table should be fully styled (2 Points)

Deliverables from We, 02/19

not yet graded
  • (1 Point)

  • (1 Point)

  • (2 Points)

  • Button is disabled or hidden when total votes are 0. (1 Point)

  • (1 Point)

  • (1 Point)

Videos on Fridays under Resources are for those interested in learning additional concepts.

There are no graded activities, including participation on Fridays and you should instead use the class time to:

  • Grade the previous week's assignments (mandatory)
  • Complete this week's assignments
  • Progress on your final project
  • Cleaning up your project (removing warnings, fixing bugs, adding documentation and tests)

My Components

We have by now had some opportunity to learn how to adapt TailwindCSS styling to Phoenix Components. To help you a bit for your final projects and, since all those assignments have by now been graded, I am sharing some of my own components that you can use to replace your own ones.

They come fully documented with examples and most options that you can find in the Flowbite Documentation are supported via attributes.


Using these components will likely require changes to your project such as removing them from CoreComponents, checking and updating component attributes in your pages and clearing some warnings. Use at your own risk!

Copyright © 2025 Alexander Fuchsberger, Bucknell University. All rights reserved.