Today we will hear more about forms and request types such as GET
in a lecture style.
You can also use the time to finish assignments and work on your final project.
Custom Error Pages, Fallback Controller, With (Bonus)
Deliverables from Mo, 02/03
Recreated the ui component library with the button from the video (2 Points)
Implemented Flowbite Badge Component as a Phoenix Component with an attribute color that allows for all eight flowbite color variants. (2 Points)
large attribute will enlarge badges correctly, while not having large attribute will leave the badges at default sizes. (1 Point)
100% Test Coverage on your badge component (2 Points)
Deliverables from We, 02/05
Has a Darkmode Toggle Button on / that correctly adds/removes the dark class on <html>. This setting should persist on subsequent page reloads. (1 Point)
Improve the rest of your personal website by incorporating elements that you find by exploring the Flowbite library. We are looking for visual consistency and a complete, professional look. Avoid components that require JavaScript, such as Dropdowns. At least one more component that you find in the flowbite library should be converted to a Phoenix Component in your UI library that you started building this week. (3 Points)
Update your homepage in a way that visibly differentiates your light and dark templates. This must extend to all elements on the page, not just background and text color. If you use 100% flowbite styling and structure, than this objective will be achieved naturally. (3 Points)