Next: Verification and Validation of
Up: Input Modeling
Previous: Parameter Estimation
- Earlier we introduced hypothesis test to examine the quality
of random number generators. Now we will apply these tests to hypothesis
about distributional forms of input data.
- Goodness-of-fit tests provide helpful guidance for evaluating
the suitability of a potential input model.
- The tests depends heavily on the amount of data. If very little
data are available, the test is unlikely to reject any candidate
distribution (because not enough evidence to reject); if a lot of data
are available, the test will likely reject
all candidate distributions (because none fits perfectly).
- Failing to reject a candidate should be viewed as a piece of
evidence in favor of that choice; while rejecting an input model is
only one piece of evidence against the choice.
- Chi-square test is for large sample sizes, for both discrete
and continuous distributional assumptions, when parameters are estimated
by maximum likelihood.
- Arranging the n observations into a set of k
class intervals or cells.
- The test statistic
is the observed frequency in the ith class interval and
is the expected frequency in that class interval.
- The
approximately follows the chi-square distribution
with k-s-1 degrees of freedom, where s represents the
number of parameters of the estimated distribution. E.g Poisson
distribution has s = 1, normal distribution has s=2.
- The hypothesis

- the random variable, X, conforms
to the distributional assumption with the parameter(s) given
by the parameter estimate(s)

- the random variable X does not
conform the distribution
- The critical value
is found in Table
is rejected if
- The choice of k, the number of class intervals, see
Table 10.5 on page 377.
- Example 10.13 on page 377.
- Chi-square test with equal probabilities:
- If a continuous distributional assumption is being tested,
class intervals that are equal in probability rather than equal
in width of interval should be used.
- Example 10.14: Chi-square test for exponential distribution
(page 379)
- test with intervals of equal probability (not
necessary equal width)
- number of intervals less than or equal to n/5
- n = 50, so
, according to recommendations
in Table 10.5, 7 to 10 class intervals be used.
- Let k = 8, thus
- The end points for each interval are computed from
the cdf for the exponential distribution
represents the end point of the ith interval.
- Since
is the cumulative area from zero
, thus
regardless the value of
- With
in this example and k = 8,
continue with i = 2,3,...,7 results in 3.425, 5.595, 8,252,
11.677, 16.503, and 24.755.
- See page 379 and 380 for completion of the example.
- Example 10.15 (Chi-square test for Weibull distribution)
on page 380
- Example 10.16 (Computing intervals for the normal distribution)
on page 381
- For the given data, using suggested estimator in Table
10.3 on page 370, we know (the original data was from Example 10.3
on page 360)
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov Goodness-of-fit test
- Chi-square test heavily depends on the class
intervals. For the same data, different grouping of the data
may result in different conclusion, rejection or acceptance.
- The K-S goodness-of-fit test is designed to overcome
this difficulty. The idea of K-S test is from q-q plot.
- The K-S test is particularly useful when sample
size are small and when no parameters have been estimated
from the data.
- Example 10.7 on page 383, using the method described
in Section 8.4.1 on page 299. A few notes:
- If the interarrival time is exponentially distributed,
the arrival times are uniformly distributed on (0,T]
Next: Verification and Validation of
Up: Input Modeling
Previous: Parameter Estimation
Meng Xiannong