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Previous: Output Analysis for Steady-State
There are several methods of reducing the point estimator bias which
is caused by using artificial and unrealistic initial conditions in a
steady-state simulation.
- Initialize the simulation in a state that is more
representative of long-run conditions. E.g. use a set of real data as
initial condition.
- Divide the simulation into two phases, warm-up phase and
steady state phase. Data collection doesn't start until the simulation
passes the warm-up phase.
Consider the example on page 452 (Example 12.13)
- A set of 10 independent runs, each run was divided into 15
intervals. The data were listed in Table 12.5 on page 453.
- Typicall we calculate average within a run. Since the
data collected in each run is most likely autocorrelated, a different
method is used to calculate the average across the runs.
- Such averages are known as ensemble average.
Several issues:
- Ensemble average will reveal a smoother and more precise
trend as the number of replications, R, is increased.
- Ensemble average can be smoothered further by plotting a
moving average. In a moving average each plotted point is
actually the average of several adjacent ensemble averages.
- Cumulative averages become less variable as more data are
averaged. Thus, it is expected that the curve at left side (the
starting of the simulation) of the plotting is less smooth than the
right side.
- Simulation data, especially from queueing models, usually
exhibits positive autocorrelation. The more correlation present, the
longer it takes for the average to approach steady state.
- In most simulation studies the analyst is interested in
several measures such as queue length, waiting time, utilization,
etc. Different performance measures may approach stead state at
different rates. Thus it is important to examine each performance
measure individidually for initialization bias and use a deletion
point that is adequate for all of them.
Next: Replication Method for Steady-State
Up: Output Analysis for Steady-State
Previous: Output Analysis for Steady-State
Meng Xiannong