Electronic Submission of Projects
For each of the projects, you should submit the following.
Each file should contain your name, the class section, the assignment
number, the date and instructor's name. For each project, you should
create a separate directory where all files related to this project
are stored. When you are ready to submit, create a tape archive file
for the directory and mail the file to meng@panam.edu. Make sure put your full
name and the course number (CSCI 4334) on the subject line.
Here is an
example. Suppose I have files hw1.h, hw1.cc, functions.cc, README, and
TESTCASE in a directory called hw-one which is under the
directory /home/faculty/meng. Do the following to mail the
project to the instructor.
% cd /home/faculty/meng
% tar -cvf hw-one.tar hw-one
% pine meng@panam.edu -attach hw-one.tar
After you invoked the pine which is one of many email agent
program, make sure to put your full name and course number on the
subject line. For example :
Xiannong Meng's project one, CSCI 4334
When the instructor receives your email, he will acknowledge the fact
by replying to your message. If you don't receive the acknowledgment
within a day, you are responsible for contacting the instructor and
clarifying the situation.