// Source code example for "A Practical Introduction // to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis" // by Clifford A. Shaffer, Prentice Hall, 1998. // Copyright 1998 by Clifford A. Shaffer import java.io.*; // Driver class for list implementations class Listmain { // "find" is a demonstration for using the list ADT // Starting at current position, // find Elem with the next occurrence of key value K in List L public static Elem find(List L, int K) { while (L.isInList()) if (((Elem)L.currValue()).key() == K) return (Elem)L.currValue(); else L.next(); return null; } // Main routine for doubly linked list driver class public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { List L1 = new DList(); List L2 = new DList(15); List L3 = new DList(); // Now test a bunch of list operations L2.append(new IElem(10)); L2.print(); L2.append(new IElem(20)); L2.append(new IElem(15)); L2.print(); L1.setFirst(); L1.insert(new IElem(39)); L1.next(); L1.insert(new IElem(12)); L1.append(new IElem(5)); L1.append(new IElem(4)); L1.append(new IElem(3)); L1.append(new IElem(2)); L1.append(new IElem(1)); L1.print(); L2.setFirst(); System.out.println("L2 curr: " + L2.currValue()); System.out.print("L1: "); L1.print(); System.out.println("Size: " + L1.length()); System.out.print("L2: "); L2.print(); System.out.print("L3: "); L3.print(); L2.setFirst(); L2.next(); L1.setFirst(); System.out.println(L1.currValue()); L1.setValue(new IElem(42)); L1.print(); L1.setFirst(); System.out.println(find(L1, 4)); L2.setFirst(); System.out.print("Removing: " + L2.remove() + " "); System.out.print("Removing: " + L2.remove() + " "); L2.print(); System.out.println("Size: " + L2.length()); L2.clear(); L2.print(); System.out.println("Size: " + L2.length()); L2.append(new IElem(5)); L2.print(); System.out.println("Start a new round."); L2.clear(); L2.print(); L2.setFirst(); L2.insert(new IElem(1)); L2.print(); L2.insert(new IElem(2)); L2.print(); L2.setPos(2); L2.insert(new IElem(3)); L2.print(); System.out.println("That is all."); System.in.read(); } }