// Filename FriendDemo.java. // Second trivial Java object written for // the JFL book chapter 2 - see text. // // Fintan Culwin, V0.1, January 1997. import Friend; public class FriendDemo { public static void main( String args[] ) { Friend myFriend = new Friend( "Arthur Smith", "971-0034", "1201 Sesame St.", "Edinburg, TX", 32); Friend myOtherFriend = new Friend( "Ford Prefect", "234-1145", "100 Wonderland St.", "Phar, TX", 45); System.out.println( "\n\t\tThis is the Friend Demo Client\n"); System.out.print( "Illustrating the friendsNameIs() "); System.out.println( "action of the myFriend instance."); System.out.print( "The name should be Arthur Smith ... "); System.out.print( myFriend.friendsNameIs()); System.out.println( "."); System.out.print( "\nIllustrating the friendsNameIs() "); System.out.println( "action of the myOtherFriend instance."); System.out.print( "The name should be Ford Prefect ... "); System.out.print( myOtherFriend.friendsNameIs()); System.out.println( "."); System.out.print( "\nIllustrating the friendsAgeIs() "); System.out.println( "action of the myFriend instance."); System.out.println( "Arthur Smith should be 32 years old ... "); System.out.print( myFriend.friendsNameIs() + " is " + myFriend.friendsAgeIs()); System.out.println( " years old."); System.out.print( "\nIllustrating the friendsAgeIs() "); System.out.println( "action of the myOtherFriend instance."); System.out.println ( "Ford Prefect should be 45 years old ... "); System.out.print( myOtherFriend.friendsNameIs() + " is " + myOtherFriend.friendsAgeIs()); System.out.println( " years old."); System.out.print( "\nIllustrating the birthday() actions"); System.out.println( "of both instances."); myFriend.birthday(); myOtherFriend.birthday(); System.out.print( "The ages should now be 33 and 235 ..."); System.out.print( myFriend.friendsAgeIs() + " " + myOtherFriend.friendsAgeIs()); System.out.println( "."); System.out.println( "\nIllustrating the class wide numberOfFriendsIs()"); System.out.println( "action, called via the myFriend instance."); System.out.print( "The value should be 2 ... "); System.out.print( myFriend.numberOfFriendsIs()); System.out.println( "."); System.out.println( "\nIllustrating the class wide numberOfFriendsIs()"); System.out.println( "action, called via the Friend class."); System.out.print( "The value should be 2 ... "); System.out.print( Friend.numberOfFriendsIs()); System.out.println( "."); System.out.println( "\nIllustrating the class wide greetingIs()"); System.out.println( "action, called via the Friend class."); System.out.print( "The greeting is ... "); System.out.print( Friend.greetingIs()); System.out.println( "."); System.out.print( "Illustrating the friendsPhoneIs() "); System.out.println( "action of the myFriend instance."); System.out.print( "The phone number should be 971-0034 ... "); System.out.print( myFriend.friendsPhoneIs()); System.out.println( "."); System.out.print( "Illustrating the friendsAddr1() and friendsAddr2 "); System.out.println( "action of the myFriend instance."); System.out.print( myFriend.friendsAddr1Is()); System.out.println(); System.out.print( myFriend.friendsAddr2Is()); System.out.println( "."); } // End main. } // End FriendDemo;