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PHYS 310 in-class fitting example #1

Fitting of linear models. This notebook uses curve_fit() from the optimize submodule of scipy. (This function can be used to fit linear and non-linear models. When used for linear models no initial parameter estimates are required.)

NOTE: Linear models are not necessarily linear functions. In this notebook I fit two functions:

  • f(x)=mx+b, fitting for m and b
  • g(x)=mx+b+cx2, fitting for m, b, and c

Both of these are models that are linear in the fit parameters, although g is not linear in the independent variable x.

Marty Ligare, August 2020

modified by Katharina Vollmayr-Lee February 2022

In [1]:
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
import urllib

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [2]:
# Following is an Ipython magic command that puts figures in notebook.
%matplotlib notebook 
# M.L. modifications of matplotlib defaults
# Changes can also be put in matplotlibrc file, 
# or effected using mpl.rcParams[]
plt.rc('figure', figsize = (6, 4.5)) # Reduces overall size of figures
plt.rc('axes', labelsize=16, titlesize=14)
plt.rc('figure', autolayout = True) # Adjusts supblot params for new size

Self-Defined Functions

Usually all self-defined functions are at the beginning of the program. I put the definitions here however in comment, so that you can see the function definition below where we then do a fit with it.

In [3]:
#def f(x,m,b):
#    return m*x + b
#def g(x,m,b,c):
#    return m*x + b + c*x**2 

Load data from URL

Below you practice to download the data file to a local directory, and import it using np.loadtxt, but here we skip the intermediate step and load it directly from the URL to the notebook.

Each row in file gives information on single data point, xi, yi, αi. The option unpack = True takes transpose of the data file array so that all values of x are in a single array, and similarly for y and u (the uncertainty). Notice that by default np.loadtxt() treats # as the comment character.

In [4]:
link = 'http://www.eg.bucknell.edu/~phys310/skills/data_analysis/a.dat'
fh = urllib.request.urlopen(link)
xdata, ydata, udata = np.loadtxt(fh, unpack=True)
In [5]:
plt.errorbar(xdata,ydata,udata, fmt='o')
# KVL: if above %matplotlib notebook doesn't work uncomment next line
Text(0, 0.5, '$y$')

Load data from File

Since for most labs you will have a file with your data instead of the file of a URL link, let us practice here how to use np.loadtext directly on a file. So download from the Phys 310 webpage the file a.dat into your local directory. Next we import it using np.loadtxt.

Each row in this file gives information on single data point, xi, yi, αi. The option unpack = True takes transpose of the data file array so that all values of x are in a single array, and similarly for y and u (the uncertainty). Notice that by default np.loadtxt() treats # as the comment character.

In [6]:
xdata, ydata, udata = np.loadtxt("a.dat", unpack=True)

And here other loadtxt command, where you first load the data into an array and then transpose and assign the x, y, and u data.

In [7]:
data = np.loadtxt("a.dat")  # each line i data point x_i,y_i,u_i
xdata = data.T[0]                     # The .T gives transpose of array
ydata = data.T[1]
udata = data.T[2]

Plot Raw Data

In [8]:
plt.errorbar(xdata,ydata,udata, fmt='ok')
Text(0.5, 0, '$y$')

Define Fit Function

In [9]:
def f(x,m,b):
    return m*x + b

Linear Curve Fit

Next we do a Curve Fit. Since this is a linear fit we do not need to provide initial parameters.

Fit data, and plot fit-function with optimized parameters

  • curve_fit returns best-fit parameters ( popt) and the covariance matrix ( pcov).
  • Uncertainties in the fit parameters are given by the square roots of the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix.
In [10]:
popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(f,xdata,ydata,sigma=udata, absolute_sigma=True)
print ("m= ",popt[0]," +- ",np.sqrt(pcov[0,0]))
print ("b= ",popt[1]," +- ",np.sqrt(pcov[1,1]))
[3.44553322 0.70261951]
[[ 4.35539990e-05 -8.71079984e-05]
 [-8.71079984e-05  2.35191613e-04]]
m=  3.445533218244309  +-  0.006599545360593557
b=  0.702619508215591  +-  0.015335958160925367
In [11]:
# fit for data without error bars
#popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(f,xdata,ydata)
#print ("m= ",popt[0]," +- ",np.sqrt(pcov[0,0]))
#print ("b= ",popt[1]," +- ",np.sqrt(pcov[1,1]))

Plot fit-function with optimized parameters

In [12]:
plt.errorbar(xdata,ydata,udata, fmt='ok')
xc = np.linspace(0,4,100)
plt.plot(xc, f(xc,*popt))
plt.title('data and best-fit line');

Calculate and plot residuals

In [13]:
r = ydata - f(xdata,*popt) # same as    r = ydata - f(xdata,popt[0],popt[1])
In [14]:
plt.errorbar(xdata,r,udata, fmt='ok')
plt.ylabel('residuals ($y_i-f(x_i)$)')
plt.title('residuals for linear model')

Calculate χ2

In [15]:
chisq = np.sum(r**2/udata**2)
print(chisq, len(r))
363.1965242552121 41

The value of χ2 is much larger than the number of data points.

That, coupled with the obvious non-random pattern in the residuals, indicates that the data is not consistent with the model.

Try fitting to a quadratic

This is still a linear model, i.e., it is linear in the fit parameters a, b, and c).

In [16]:
def g(x,m,b,c):
   return m*x + b + c*x**2 
In [17]:
popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(g,xdata,ydata,sigma=udata, absolute_sigma=True)
for i in range(len(popt)):
[3.01077743 0.98521077 0.10868895]

Best fit parameters

  • m=3.01±0.02
  • b=0.98±0.02
  • c=0.108±0.006
In [18]:
plt.errorbar(xdata,ydata,udata, fmt='ok')
xc = np.linspace(0,4,100)
plt.plot(xc, g(xc,*popt))
plt.title('data and best-fit quadratic');

Calculate new residuals

In [19]:
r = ydata - g(xdata,*popt)
In [20]:
plt.errorbar(xdata,r,udata, fmt='ko')
plt.ylabel('residuals ($y_i-f(x_i)$)')
plt.title('residuals for quadratic model');

New χ2

In [21]:
chisq = np.sum(r**2/udata**2)
print(chisq, len(r))
59.957924032869876 41

Data looks consistent with quadratic model.

Version information

  • %version_information is an IPython magic extension for showing version information for dependency modules in a notebook;

  • See https://github.com/jrjohansson/version_information

  • %version_information is available on Bucknell computers on the linux network. You can easily install it on any computer.

In [22]:
%load_ext version_information
In [23]:
version_information numpy, scipy, matplotlib
Python3.7.8 64bit [GCC 7.5.0]
OSLinux 3.10.0 1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 x86_64 with centos 7.9.2009 Core
Mon Feb 07 22:47:07 2022 EST
In [ ]: