PHYS 310 - Experimental Physics
Course Information
- Course Syllabus
- Course Calendar (check here for assignment deadlines, submit in your Google Drive folder)
- Schedule of Experiments
- Grading criteria for projects
- Grading criteria for papers
- Lab Notebooks: Expectations for Lab Notebooks (Bucknell)
- Office Hours:
- Ibrahim (Olin 174): Tue: 11:00am - 12:00 noon , Fri: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm and by appointment
- Abby (Olin 164): Wed: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Fri: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm and by appointment
- Welcome to Phys 310. We start Tuesday Jan. 21, 1 pm, Olin 264. Please bring your laptop (if you do not have a laptop, let us know -- we have department laptops)
- Physics seminars will be posted here - please attend 4 STEM seminars this semester! (Seminars not posted here are still okay.)
- Thurs Feb 6, 12 pm, Olin 268: Physics seminar - Denise Okafor (Penn State)
- Thurs Feb 20, 12 pm, Olin 268: Physics seminar - Jean-Paul Armache (Penn State)
- Thurs Feb 27, 7pm evening Traditional Reading Room (Bertrand Library): Physics Alumni Panel
- Thurs Mar 6, 12 pm, Olin 268: Physics seminar - our very own Deepak Iyer (Bucknell)
- Thurs Mar 27, 12 pm, Olin 268: Physics seminar - Chris Ticknor (LANL)
- Thurs Apr 10, 12 pm, Olin 268: Physics seminar - Alia Wofford (George Mason University)
- Thurs Apr 24, 12pm, Olin 268: Physics seminar - Bryce Gadway (Penn State)
Homework: Assignments & Solutions
Lecture Materials
- Python, Numpy, Matplotlib, & Jupyter notebook: ipynb,available on Colab, data set sample.dat
- Introduction to Maximum Likelihood Estimation pdf;
- Skeleton notebook for in-class exercises: Class4.ipynb hdata.dat
- Paper Description for PHYS 310
- On translating scientific papers for the public
- Double-Slit Example
- Gravitational Wave Example
- Fluid Dynamics Example
- Latex template with bibliography:, Overleaf
- Literature search tools: Web of Science (if off campus, use VPN or Databases link under "Literature Search Tools" below) and Google Scholar and The arXiv* *Check if updated: peer-reviewed and published.
- Outline Worksheet: Journal Paper Narrative (notice that the sections flow down the left side then up the right side)
- More Example Journal Papers:
- Theory/simulation: Chowdhury et al. (Traffic Flow Paper) Vollmayr-Lee & Zippelius 2013 (Defects in glass)
- Experiment: Yoest et al. 2022 (Swimming microbes) Gowen & Solomon 2015 (Reaction front propagation)
- Astronomy observation: Villadsen et al. 2014 (Radio Detection of Stars) .
- Figures Intro: Graphical Representation (Prof. I. Sulai, Phys310 talk) (therein figures and summary of [Edward R. Tufte, "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information,"
2nd ed. (Graphics Press, Cheshire, Connecticut, 2018)]).
Further examples:
- Maps about US (includes Life Expectancy Map),
- Research by Prof. B. Marsh (Maps of Institutionalized Racial Inequality),
- Phase Transition Figures,
- Ladd et al. Beam Size ,... (2005) ,
- Villadsen et al. 2014 (Radio Detection of Stars) ; <
- S.A. Berman, ...,T.S., Phys. Rev.Fluids 6, L012501 (2021) ,
- KVL, RB, and LMC, PRL 2013,
- Matplotlib examples, Python subplots, Figure Customization Matplotlib Example ipynb (Dr. Abby's Example 2025)
- G: Intro (M. Ligare), Sect5-4 Damped Oscillations [J.R. Taylor, Class. Mechanics]
- Michelson: Guidelines for PHYS 310 students (by T.Solomon), Jenkins & White Ch 13 , Hecht Ch 7 , Hecht Ch 9 , M4 Interferometer Manual (Note: different interferometer)
- NMR: Basic theory of NMR stuff, Getting started manual, Introduction part of manual , Instrument part of manual, Specifications part of manual, Experiments part of manual, Article where the group measures T1 and T2 for some samples.
- Ising: Ising Model & Metropolis Intro (read to get started), Ising Model Jupyter Template, Lecture Notes by Richard Fitzpatrick (UT Austin) about Ising Model (read for additional background and more advanced project ideas).
- X-ray, Part I: General overview and tasks for X-Ray Project I (focusing on x-ray emission and atomic transitions ) Properties of X-rays handout. Intro to X-ray apparatus and getting started. Measuring wavelengths of emission lines for Mo and Cu anodes..
- Radio Telescope: Intro packet (read to get started), Stellarium (free software to plan observations), Data analysis Jupyter template and Test.rad (Example data to use with Jupyter template). Additional info: MIT web page about this project (useful references for a paper!), MIT lab manual for this project (additional background/explanation).
- X-ray, Part II: General overview and tasks for X-Ray Project II (focusing on crystallography) Crystallography reading from Ashcroft and Mermin. Intro to X-ray apparatus and getting started. Debye-Scherrer (Powder) technique. Which planes -- denoted by Miller indices -- are visible for different cubic structures..
Python Jupyter Notebooks
- File I/0: html, ipynb, test1.dat, test2.csv
- Tools for Statistics: html, ipynb; Random Numbers, Tools for Distributions, Histograms
- Curve Fitting:
- Example of nonlinear least squares fitting using
from theoptimize
sub-module ofscipy
(works for fitting of linear models too) html, ipynb, sample2.dat; - Example of linear least squares fitting using
from theoptimize
sub-module ofscipy
html, ipynb
- Example of nonlinear least squares fitting using
- Other examples (not necessarily for PHYS 310)
- Overview of python use for experimental physics applications: external website
- Linear Curve Fitting using
(based on Jack Gallimore'
): html, ipynb, sample.dat - Vpython: html, ipynb
- Simple numerical integration (Euler, as in PHYS 211, 212, 221): html, ipynb
- Numerical evaluation of integrals using
from theintegrate
submodule ofscipy
: html, ipynb - Numerical solution of ODEs using
from theintegrate
sub-module ofscipy
: html, ipynb - Root finding: html, ipynb
- Chaos: Driven damped pendulum (PHYS 331): html, ipynb
- FFTs: html, ipynb
- Numerical differentiation (including divergence, gradient, curl, etc.): html, ipynb
- Intro to Sympy (symbolic computation) --- variables, integration, differentiation: html, ipynb
- Symbolic solution of differential equations using
: html, ipynb - More symbolic computation examples: nbviewer,
- Line integrals using sympy (PHYS 333): html, ipynb
- Astronomy Examples:
Writing of Scientific Papers
- The Art of Scientific Report Writing (Oxford)
- Ten Steps to Writing an Effective Abstract
- Preparing a Manuscript for Publication; (Journal of Undergraduate Research In Physics)
Literature Search Tools
- Scientific Papers: Web of Science (accessible from FastX session or Databases next line) and Google Scholar
- BU pages: Library & IT (includes ILL and Journals A-Z), Databases (use to get to Web of Science when off campus; includes social science paper data bases)
- Books: BU Library Catalog (World Cat)
- Physics Sources: APS Journals (PRL,PRE, etc.), IOP Journals, ADS Labs (NASA) search, (preprints)
- LaTeX: Latex (& Xfig) in PHYS 310 (introduction to latex, including how to use the following files),
for uploading on overleaf: ,
for latex in linux environment: templateWithBib.tex , myRefs.bib , cubic.pdf , samplefig.eps, and see below - Simpler Paper Template (without bibtex):
NOTE: These files are written for pdflatex.
Download the files template2019.tex, samplefig.eps, and samplefigB.pdf. After processing these files you should generate output that looks like this: template2019.pdf.
This file apssamp.tex generates the output displayed here: apssamp.pdf. Comparing these files side-by-side is a good way to learn lots about typesetting papers.