PHYS 338 - Computer Simulations in Physics

Instructor: Katharina Vollmayr-Lee,, Olin 152, 570-577-3109

Classes: MW 3-4:20 am ACWS 204

Office Hours: T 4-5:30 pm and F 2:30-4 pm


Course Information



Please submit Homework (pdf-files and Python scripts) by copying them into your ~/share.dir/ and give read-permission (see Linux Exercise).

Jan. 27Python: In/Out & Variables HW 1 (Linux Excercise, Sign-Up )
Jan. 29Python: Arithmetic & Decisions HW2: Bibliography/Model (annotated) & mini-update in class
Feb. 3Python: Decisions & Repetitions HW3
Feb. 5 10Python: Repetitions,Lists, Arrays & Functions HW4: HW4 (2nd Vs Bibl./Model and python inclass 10.)
Feb.12Random Walks (1 dim) HW5: Finish In-Class Tasks 19 (due in ~/share.dir/)
Feb.17Random Walks (2dim), Read Sci. Papers, Fractal Growth Intro, & DLA HW6 Final Model/Bibliography (hardcopy and in ~/share.dir/)
Feb. 19DLA HW7 (1st Vs of Flow Chart)
Feb. 24Scientific Talks & xfig HW8 (1st Vs of Background)
Feb. 26Finish DLA program HW9 (1st Vs of Main Project Talk Slides)
March 3DLA: Fractal Dimension HW10 (Final Vs of Background (& 03/05 mini-projI)
March 5 Mini-Project I Talks Mini-Project I
03/18&21 03/21 3-4pm Main-Project I Talks 03/18 Final Flow Chart & 03/21 Main Project I Talk

In-Class Work

Guidelines For Main Project

Literature Search Tools

Computer Tools

Cool Pictures & Webpages