PHYS 338 - Computer Simulations in Physics
Instructor: Katharina Vollmayr-Lee,, Olin 152, 570-577-3109Classes: MW 3-4:20 am ACWS 204
Office Hours: T 4-5:30 pm and F 2:30-4 pm
- (Online Chs:) M. Newman, Computational Physics
- (Online:) H. Gould, J. Tobochnik, W. Christian, An Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods
Course Information
- updated course information see above (02/09)
- Feb.19: First Version of Flow Chart for your main project due
Please submit Homework (pdf-files and Python scripts) by copying them into your ~/share.dir/ and give read-permission (see Linux Exercise).
Due | Topic | Homework |
Jan. 27 | Python: In/Out & Variables | HW 1 (Linux Excercise, Sign-Up ) |
Jan. 29 | Python: Arithmetic & Decisions | HW2: Bibliography/Model (annotated) & mini-update in class |
Feb. 3 | Python: Decisions & Repetitions | |
Feb. | Python: Repetitions,Lists, Arrays & Functions | HW4: HW4 (2nd Vs Bibl./Model and python inclass 10.) |
Feb.12 | Random Walks (1 dim) | HW5: Finish In-Class Tasks 19 (due in ~/share.dir/) |
Feb.17 | Random Walks (2dim), Read Sci. Papers, Fractal Growth Intro, & DLA | HW6 Final Model/Bibliography (hardcopy and in ~/share.dir/) |
Feb. 19 | DLA | HW7 (1st Vs of Flow Chart) |
Feb. 24 | Scientific Talks & xfig | HW8 (1st Vs of Background) |
Feb. 26 | Finish DLA program | HW9 (1st Vs of Main Project Talk Slides) |
March 3 | DLA: Fractal Dimension | HW10 (Final Vs of Background (& 03/05 mini-projI) |
March 5 | Mini-Project I Talks | Mini-Project I |
03/18&21 | 03/21 3-4pm Main-Project I Talks | 03/18 Final Flow Chart & 03/21 Main Project I Talk |
In-Class Work
- Jan. 22: Course Info (annotated), Literature Search
- Jan. 27: HW2: Bibliography/Model, Python (in/out)
- Jan. 29: mini-presentations of your projects and
Python: Arithmetic & Decisions - Feb. 3: Python: Arithmetic & Decisions & Repetitions
- Feb.
510: updated Course Info, Python: Repetitions, Lists, Arrays & Functions And Getting Files to Linuxremote - Solutions for Python Intro Section Tasks 9-21 are for example in ~kvollmay/share.dir/inclass2025.dir/
- Feb.12: In-Class Work: Random Walks 1 dim. (Feb. 12) , msd for SiO2 msd for KALJ [AJP 88, 401 (2020)],
- Solutions for one dimensional random walk are for example in ~kvollmay/share.dir/inclass2025.dir/
- Feb.17:
- Random Walk in 1d Analysis: Notes on mean squared displacement of 1d random walk Mean squared displacements for structural glass formers: msd for SiO2 msd for KALJ [AJP 88, 401 (2020)],
- For Main Project: Bibliography/Model, Flow Chart & Background
- Reading Scientific Papers:
- Intro to Lit. Search and Reading Journal Articles (by Prof. C. Bester; Summer 2021)
- Example: Annotated Traffic Flow Paper by D. Chowdhury et al. annotated
- Intro to Fractal Growth, DLA model: Cellular Automata Intro , Pictures Fractals in Nature, Mandelbrot Set, Picture of window with ice fractals fractal pictures (from books) , DLA Rules , DLA Flow Chart , In-Class Feb. 17 ,
- Feb.19: DLA Rules , DLA Flow Chart , In-Class Feb. 19 ,
- Feb. 24:
- Scientific Talks: How to Give Talks (KVL) , further resource: Great Talks (by Prof. A. Graves)
- Talk Examples: SiO2 (BU 2009) , Granular Gas / Hydrodynamics (APS 2011) and Ohio, April 2017 (SiO2 Jumps & Scaling)
- xfig: In-Class Feb. 24 ,
- Feb. 26: HW10 (& 03/05 Mini-Project I), DLA Rules , DLA Flow Chart , In-Class Feb. 26 (Finish DLA program),
- March 3: Mini-Project I, DLA Rules , DLA Flow Chart , In-Class March 3 ,
Guidelines For Main Project
- Previous Simul. Projects: Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2019, Spring 2017, Spring 2015, Spring 2012, Spring 2011, Spring 2010, Spring 2009, Spring 2008, Spring 2005, Spring 2003
- Traffic Flow Paper by D. Chowdhury et al.preprint and pdf and annotated
- Computational Physics Section of AJP (eds.Gould & Tobochnik)
- Bibliography/Model, Flow Chart & Background
- Reading Scientific Papers:
- Intro to Lit. Search and Reading Journal Articles (by Prof. C. Bester; Summer 2021)
- Example: Annotated Traffic Flow Paper by D. Chowdhury et al. annotated
- From Summerresearch Skill Session, June 15, 2022: Introduction to Latex
- Guidance for Latex Class
- Template for Paper:
- Template for Talk:
Literature Search Tools
- Scientific Papers: Web of Science (accessible from FastX session or Databases next line) and Google Scholar
- BU pages: Library & IT (includes ILL and Journals A-Z), Databases (use to get to Web of Science when off campus; includes social science paper data bases)
- Books: BU Library Catalog (World Cat)
- Physics Sources: APS Journals (PRL,PRE, etc.), IOP Journals, ADS Labs (NASA) search, (preprints)
Computer Tools
- FastX (linuxremote server via web browser)Links & Info
- In past: Xmanager Power Suite Installation (for windows):Info 2020
vpn info
- In past: Linux on Mac:X11 (E.Wessler) or XQuartz and see CSCI203 Info.
- Linux Summary and Linux Exercise
- Computer Tools (PHYS310 Junior Lab)