load sig1.dat -asciiafter which a variable named sig1 will be available. (The same can be done with sig2.dat.) Both files were recorded by sampling a signal at a rate of 60 samples per second.
Analyze the frequency content of these data files using the FFT in MATLAB. For each data file, how many sine waves appear to be present? What are the frequencies of the sine waves? Can you say anything about the relative amplitudes of the various sine wave components?
(a) What is the expression for h(t) in terms of the rect function?
(b) Sketch the output signal y(t) from the system when the input signal is x(t) as shown above.
(c) What is the frequency response H(f) of this system? Sketch the amplitude response |H(f)|.
(d) Find the steady-state system output y(t) when the input is