ELEC 320, Fall 1998
Prof. Rich Kozick
Laboratory Project:
Report Guidelines and Schedule
All students will present and/or demonstrate their
lab projects on Tuesday, December 8, 8:00 AM to
11:00 AM.
You should arrive at 8 AM and stay for the entire
The main purpose of the lab project is for you to
learn something new about a topic of your choice
in the general area of signals and systems.
Written report: Each group is asked to submit
a brief written report that describes your project
objectives, explains the approach that you used,
and summarizes your results.
I recommend that you submit your report before final exams,
by Wednesday, December 9, at 9 AM.
However, it is OK if you submit the report by Monday, December 14.
Oral presentation:
Please limit your presentation to 8 minutes,
with demonstrations and questions included within that time.
A suggestion for organizing your presentation is
to do the following:
- Clearly explain the problem that you addressed
in your project.
- Summarize the approach that you used.
- Show results, demonstration, problems encountered, etc.
With 19 different presentations, the audience will not
be able to absorb a lot of technical details, so try to convey
the basic ideas of what you did.
Presentation schedule:
A tentative ordering of presentations is given below.
- DTMF detector (Armentrout, Pitzer)
- Voice changer (Beamer)
- Supersonic voice activated security gate (Gibson, Lay)
- Models for Harvey Powers Theatre (Young)
- DTMF detector (Baxter, Webb)
- Magic word (Phan, Yoon)
- Artificial eye (Gunnels)
- Digital audio effects (Coviello, Venarchick)
- Speech recognition (Lundgren, Ziegler)
- Adaptive filter (Mayega)
- Voice transformation (Daub, Witherup)
- Dolby reconstruction (Barthel, Everitt)
- Modified clapper (Diamond, Senator)
- Word recognition lock (Harkness, Hess, Karavanic)
- Encryption/decryption (Rudis, Russo)
- Four track mixer (Onyeberechi, Reed)
- Sound changing thing (Goossen, Green)
- Smoke detecting beeper (Bullard, Williams)
- Digital filtering of music (Stevenson)