ELEC 320, Fall 2007
Prof. Rich Kozick
Homework 9
Date Assigned: Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Date Due: Friday, October 19 (items 2 and 3) and Wednesday,
October 24, 2007 (item 4)
Please study Chapter 3 in the Lathi text on Fourier series.
We will not have time to discuss the details in Section 3.2 on
correlation, but you should read it on your own.
The topic is very important in signal processing applications
such as time-delay estimation and digital communication.
Exam 2 will be on Monday, October 22.
The topics will include the following.
- Chapter 2 on the time-domain analysis
of LTIC systems (impulse response, step response, ZSR, convolution, ZIR,
characteristic modes, etc.)
- Beginning concepts for Fourier series, such as items 2 and 3 on
this assignment.
- Please experiment with the
Simulink demonstration
of Fourier series that we used in class.
You can access the demonstration from the course home page
Class Notes and Demonstrations.
You do not have to submit anything for this part.
- In the Simulink demonstration
the three individual sine waves that are added together are
Compute the ``inner products'' of pairs of these sine waves over
the interval
That is, compute the following integrals:
Here are some useful identities:
You may find it useful to sketch the integrand in each case.
- What does it mean geometrically when two vectors
have an inner (or dot) product of zero?
Draw a picture of this situation in two dimensions.
- Prove that for a continuous-time system that
is linear and time-invariant,
the zero-state response (ZSR) of the system to a sinusoidal input
is a sine wave with the same frequency as the input wave,
but a different amplitude and phase shift.
Also, find an expression for the frequency response
of the system in terms of the impulse response
An outline of the approach follows.
- Please explain why it is true that the ZSR of any
linear, time-invariant (LTI) system is completely described by
the impulse response
of the system.
(Are there any LTI systems for which this is not true?)
If the impulse response
is known, then the system
due to any input
is given by
- Now consider a particular input
that is applied to a LTI system with impulse response
Put this
into the convolution integral,
and look at the resulting
You should be able to recognize that
is a sine
wave with the same frequency
, but with
a different amplitude and phase shift.
The trigonometric identities at the bottom of the page
will be helpful.
- In terms of the frequency response of the system
, recall that we expect that the system output
has the form
Use your result from item (b) to relate the frequency response
of the system to the impulse response
This provides a mathematical connection between the
frequency domain and time domain descriptions of a system.
- You now understand the very important result
that a sine wave input to a LTI system produces a
sine wave output with the same frequency but different
amplitude and phase shift!
Here are some useful identities: