This course provides an introduction to the field of electrical engineering. The major areas that we will study are analog circuits, digital systems, electronics, and electric power and machines. The description from the 2003-2004 is as follows.
Fundamentals of electricity, circuits and their analysis, basic electronics, analog and digital systems, electrical machines, electrical safety. Not for majors in electrical engineering. Prerequisites: MATH 202, 204, 206, or equivalent.
Richard J. Kozick
Office: Room 220 Dana
Phone: (570) 577-1129, FAX: (570) 577-1822
Office hour schedule for Professor Kozick for Spring, 2004 is
Monday 1- 2 PM Tuesday 10-11 AM Wednesday 9-10 AM Thursday 1- 2 PM
Other times can be arranged - talk to me in class, send email,
or call.
Refer to the
course web page for the most up-to-date office hours.
The course web page contains homework assignments and solutions, syllabus, laboratory assignments, and other course information.
Two in-class exams (15% each) 30% Short quizzes (announced and unannounced) 10% Final exam 20% Homework 15% Laboratories 25%
Exam 1: Wednesday, March 3           Exam 2: Wednesday, April 14 ** Exam 2 changed to Friday, April 16 **The course will conclude with a comprehensive final exam.
Short quizzes (announced or unannounced) will also be given to check your understanding of the material as we proceed through the course. Missed quizzes cannot be made-up, but your lowest quiz grade will be dropped.
You are allowed and encouraged to work on the homework with groups of your classmates. The purpose of the homework is to practice with the material and to improve your understanding. We encourage you to learn from each other, and also to ask us when you have questions. However, the homework solutions that you submit for grading must be written individually. Be sure that you understand the reasoning for each problem, even if you initially solved the problem with help from your classmates.
More details about the laboratories are available on the Laboratories link on the course web page.