Rich Kozick
Spring, 1997
EE 329: Laboratory 3
Programming the FFT Algorithm with Matlab
We will continue our discussion from class today and begin working
on a Matlab implementation of the FFT algorithm.
We will return to more FFT applications and the spectrogram
next week.
Our goal is for each student to write a decimation in time
FFT algorithm in Matlab.
Your algorithm should work for a data sequence of any length N
that is a power of 2.
Useful references are the notes from class, and
section 2.5 and the appendix to chapter 2 in the textbook.
A good way to begin might be to write the butterfly diagrams for
N=8 and N=16. You may want to code these special cases in Matlab
before you generalize to larger N values.
Please submit the following by Friday, February 14.
Please send your Matlab programs by
- A Matlab function my_dft1 that computes the
DFT directly from the definition for any value of N.
(Please ask me if you have questions about creating functions
in Matlab.)
- A Matlab function my_dft2 that computes the
DFT using matrix-vector multiplication and the dftmtx
- A Matlab function my_fft that is your
implementation of the decimation in time FFT algorithm for
values of N that are a power of 2.
Include an explanation of how your algorithm works.
You will probably need to do the explanation first
in order to properly code the FFT algorithm.
- Compare the run time of your FFT algorithm with
the built-in fft function in Matlab.
How do they compare for various values of N that are powers of 2?
I would not expect anyone to finish the FFT algorithm during lab
We will use the lab today to get started and work together on
further understanding the FFT algorithm.
Thank you.