EE 200
Prof. Rich Kozick
Spring, 1997
EE 200: In-Class Exercises
- What is the Thevenin model, and why is it useful?
- How might you determine a Thevenin equivalent model for
a solar cell from experimental measurements?
Describe the steps you would perform.
- Consider an audio amplifier that can be modeled by
a Thevenin circuit with a resistance of
Suppose the maximum voltage the amplifier can
produce is
- What is the peak power that is delivered to one
speaker connected to the amplifier, as shown below?
- Suppose that two
speakers are to be driven by
this amplifier.
The speakers can be connected in series or in parallel, as shown
How much power is delivered to each speaker in the series
What about the parallel connection?
Which connection is ``better''?
Kozick Rich
Tue Feb 11 16:40:14 EST 1997