Creating a Jar File

Once you have successfully completed your programming assignment, you will need to create a Jar file to submit your assignment to Blackboard. This will help us grade your assignment. You will lose points if you do not submit your programming assignments in a Jar file.

Instructions for checking your Jar file

What's a Jar File?

Jar stands for "Java Archive". It's much like a compressed ZIP file that you may have used before. You'll be adding each Java source file in your assignment (usually only one file) to a Jar file before submitting it on Blackboard.

Why Do I Have to Create a Jar File?

When your programming assignments are downloaded, Blackboard automatically prepends the program number and your Onyen to the filename of the Java source file you've submitted. Remember that Java requires that the file name of the Java source code and the main class name be the same. This renaming by Blackboard causes us to be unable to compile your assignment.

If you create a Jar file that contains the appropriately named Java source file, Blackboard will rename only the Jar file, not the Java source file. This allows us to easily compile and run your program.

How Do I Create a Jar File?

How Do I Check to Make Sure My Jar File is Correct?