Coral Vision: Software for Improving
Efficiency in Coral Monitoring

2013 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting

Cory L. Walker '15, Computer Science at Washington and Lee University

Abstract: Monitoring changes in coral reefs can be accomplished by taking multiple images of designated areas of the reef each year and quantitatively comparing live coral abundance from year to year. To determine percent live coral per meter square, we manually segmented all live coral cover in photographs of m2 quadrats using the pen tool function in Adobe Illustrator. Percent live coral cover was then calculated using MATLAB. This method is very time-intensive and can take over one hour per image, depending on the density of living coral. In order to better understand how the coral reefs are changing over time, we need to speed up this process so that more time can be allotted to collecting and analyzing data. Here we present a MATLAB program that provides a semi-automatic method for segmenting live coral with only a few clicks. In our alpha test, we used both the manual and semi-automatic methods on 10 typical quadrats. For each quadrat we obtain 5 segmentations: two independent manual segmentations, one collaborative manual segmentation that we consider ground truth, and two independent semi-automatic results. In evaluating our method, we found that manual segmentations average a 2.5% discrepancy in estimated live coral coverage, while our method averaged 2.0% discrepancy. Additionally our semi- automatic method averaged a 5.7% discrepancy with manual results, with a median of 3.15%. We look to improve our program on two fronts, both to reduce discrepancy with manual raters and to improve efficiency. With these improvements we can spend more time obtaining data and monitoring changes in coral reefs.

pdf of the poster

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