Jackson Brigade, Inc.
Dan's Impressions of Jackson Reunion 2004
Jackson Fountain Re-dedication, Wood County Court House, Parkersburg, WV
Saturday Morning August 7, 2004
The Jackson gang unloads from their cars and walk to Wood County
Court House in Parkersburg
Front of Wood County Court House where the re-dedication of the
fountain took place.
The James M. Jackson Fountain the next day
John M. Jackson talks with John C. Jackson
Chuck's mother Roberta Cox, Peggy Jackson and Chuck Cox
Robert Jackson
The Jackson gang wait in our chairs
The Jackson gang wait in our chairs
John M. Jackson and John C. Jackson talk with Dr. Allen
John M. Jackson [Photo taken by Mary Jane Hyde]
Dan Hyde saves the day by installing the personal PA system
brought from home. [Photo by Mary Jane Hyde]
Nancy Jackson, president of Jackson Brigade, participates in the ceremony
Bag Pipers play several selections for the ceremony
Pulling off the cover of the bust of James M. Jackson
Neat sequence of shots by Scott Hyde
Bust of James M. Jackson at top of fountain [Photo by Scott Hyde]
A part of the ceremony, direct descendants of James M. Jackson speak their name
relationship to him. [Photo by Mary Jane Hyde]
View of Wood County Court House and fountain the next day
View of Wood County Court House and fountain the next day
Originally, there was no fence and the horses drank from the large
circular trough
and people from the two lions on the sides
Detail of fountain
One of the lion heads where people drank
Detail of the fountain
Page maintained by Dan Hyde, hyde at bucknell.edu Last update
August 10, 2004
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Copyright © 2004
Brigade, Inc.
c/o Jane Carlile Hilder
5707 Norton Rd.
Alexandria, VA 22303