Jackson Brigade, Inc.

Dan's Impressions of Jackson Reunion 2004
Dan and Ann Fissel's Home in Cairo, West Virginia
Friday August 6, 2004

Ann's mother Edith McCormack, Ann and Dan Fissel in front of their home

Dan Fissel standing in the Fissel's garden

The hungry gang lines up for dinner after a long afternoon of cemetery hopping.
Chester Pribble with plate of pulled pork barbecue sandwich and fixin's.

Lek Jackson, wife of John M. Jackson, Lauren Fissel, Kyle Fissel and his friend Amy fill their plates.

Stuffing our faces in Dan and Ann Fissel's backyard.
Lee and Linda Meyers at the end of the table. Hoyt and Mary Love Berryman on the right side of table.

Mary Jane and Scott Hyde

Even though it was 60 degrees and 9 pm, Scott was determined to go swimming in the motel pool.
When you are 14, you can take it! Note that Dad and Mom declined!

Page maintained by Dan Hyde, hyde at bucknell.edu Last update August 10, 2004

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Copyright © 2004
Jackson Brigade, Inc.
c/o Jane Carlile Hilder
5707 Norton Rd.
Alexandria, VA 22303