Jackson Brigade, Inc.
Genealogical Association for Descendants of John JACKSON (1715 - 1801)

The purpose of the Jackson Brigade, Inc. is to research, preserve and exchange genealogical information about the family in the United States who are descendants of John and Elizabeth (Cummins) Jackson; and to strengthen family ties.

Executive Committee

President: Jane C. Hilder
Vice-President: Lee Jackson
Secretary: Gayle Robey
Treasurer: Linda Brake Meyers
Past President: Nancy Ann Jackson
Member at Large: Phillip Elbon

Publications Editor: Nancy A. Jackson
Web Master: Daniel C. Hyde

Branch Advocates*
George Jackson line - open+
Edward Jackson line - open+
John Jackson, Jr. line -Winnetta Kennedy
Elizabeth Jackson Brake line - open+
Sophia Jackson Davis line - Mary Love Berryman
Mary Sarah Jackson Reger line - open+
Samuel Jackson line - Patricia Andrews
Henry Jackson line - John M. Jackson

* The Branch Advocates shall serve on the Executive Committee as representatives of each of the descendancy lines of John and Elizabeth Cummins Jackson's eight children (George, Edward, John Jr., Elizabeth, Sophia, Mary Sarah, Samuel and Henry). Usually, but not required, a Branch Advocate is a descendant of that branch of the Jackson family. Their duties are to serve as advocate of their represented branch of the family and assist the other officers in the work of the Jackson Brigade. For example, Branch Advocates might recruit members from their line, solicit articles on their line or organize a reunion in a historical area important to their line. (From the Jackson Brigade Bylaws)

+ Position is open. If you are a descendant of this line and are interested, please contact our President Jane Hilder.


Subscription/Dues: payable by August 31st - $20.00 per year. This includes four (4) issues of the Jackson Brigade Quarterly, membership and free queries. Make checks out to: Jackson Brigade, Inc., c/o Linda B. Meyers, 9682N Woodgate Lane, Byron, IL 61010-9556.

Membership Form to print
Sample issue of the Jackson Brigade Quarterly to view
Back issues of the Jackson Brigade Quarterly

Page maintained by Dan Hyde, hyde at bucknell.edu Last update February 20, 2013

Copyright © 1997-2013
Jackson Brigade, Inc.
c/o Jane Carlile Hilder
5707 Norton Rd.
Alexandria, VA 22303