Jackson Brigade, Inc.

Obituary for Edward Davis
Died December 10, 1917

The Carthage Republican, Carthage, Illinois Wednesday December 12, 1917, Page 1 Column 4


Edward Davis, father of John Davis of near Middle Creek, dropped dead Monday morning, Dec. 10th, at his home near Centralia, Mo. He had been in his usual health and had arisen that morning, attended to the chores and had eaten a hearty breakfast. He dropped dead afterward while conversing with his wife.

Edw. Davis was born near Clayton, Adams Co., Illinois, Feb. 20, 1837. He came to this county in early manhood and here married Miss Clara Printy on Jan. 4, 1866. Dr. Wm. Booz performed the marriage ceremony. To this union were born two children, John W. of near Middle Creek and Mrs. Mary Cannon of California.

He leaves surviving beside his widow, two children, John Davis of East Carthage and Mrs. Mae Cannon of Sacramento, Calif., one granddaughter, Mrs. Madge Ritter, of Indiana, and her little daughter, Maxine.

Mrs. Cannon and Mrs. Ritter were recently visitors in this part of the county and spent several weeks with Mr. Davis at his home in Centralia, Mo., Mrs. Cannon leaving here about Oct. 1st, 1917.

Mrs. Davis died Jan. 8, 1888, and about twelve years ago Mr. Davis moved to Missouri. He was there married to Mrs. Adda Powell Dec. 24, 1902.

Mr. Davis was one of the most successful farmers in this vicinity and great regret was felt when he moved to Missouri. He had many warm friends here for he was well liked and all now mourn his departure.

The body was brought to this city Tuesday morning, accompanied by the widow and her brother, J. M. Martin and her son, Luther M. Powell.

The funeral was held that afternoon at Elm Tree Church, the Rev. E. M. Smith officiating. Interment in Holland cemetery.

Submitted by Mary Love Berryman.

Page maintained by Dan Hyde, hyde at bucknell.edu Last update January 2, 2009

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Copyright © 2009
Jackson Brigade, Inc.
c/o Jane Carlile Hilder
5707 Norton Rd.
Alexandria, VA 22303