Jackson Brigade, Inc.
Book for Sale!
Jacksons on the Overland Trail
By John C. Jackson
Author of the books The Piikani Blackfeet: A Culture under Siege
Shadow on the Tetons and Children of the Fur Trade.
Jacksons on the Overland Trail offers a brief examination of the
experiences of four related families during the mid-nineteenth
century's westward migration from West Virginia to Oregon.
The stories of the John, Ulysses,
Rachael and Hyer JACKSON families are representative of the
experiences of many on the western trail, and yet each is unique in
its own way. The lives of each family are placed in the larger context
of the overland movement.
40 pages. Illustrated. Indexed. Soft-cover.
No longer Available!
Published by Jackson Brigade, Inc.
All profits from the sale of this book will be donated to the Jackson
Brigade, Inc.
If you are interested in this book, please contact:
John M. Jackson
2675 Old Fort Road
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Page maintained by Dan Hyde, hyde at bucknell.edu Last update
August 2, 2003
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Copyright © 2002, 2003
Brigade, Inc.
c/o Jane Carlile Hilder
5707 Norton Rd.
Alexandria, VA 22303