Jackson Family History Book Project Worksheet
1. Name of
compiler ____________________________________ TodayŐs date
Lives at (City and State) ___________________________________
Occupation ______________________
SpouseŐs name ___________________
from ____________________ Occupation _____________________
ChildrenŐs names and locations
ParentŐs names and locations
Your story including military
service, public service, advanced education, church affiliation, when and why
moved, major events in life, interesting hobbies, amusing family
anecdotes. Use additional sheets
if needed.
2. Repeat for other ancestors
who descend from John and Elizabeth Cummins Jackson, e.g., grandparent,
great-grandparent, great-great grandparent, etc.
3. Trace your lineage back to
John and Elizabeth Cummins Jackson.
List the ancestor and kinship for each.