Jackson Brigade, Inc.
Genealogical Association for Descendants of
John JACKSON (1715 - 1801)

New Jackson Brigade Website at www.jacksonbrigade.com Try it out!

Website is old and inactive! Use new Jackson Brigade website!

Dan's pictures of Jackson Brigade Reunion 2012 (August 3-5, 2012)
Newspaper Article on Jackson Brigade Reunion 2012 in Lexington, VA

New web page on Jackson Brigade DNA Project

New web page on Henry Jackson, son of John Jackson and Elizabeth Cummins (Updated January 5, 2012)

Dan's reflections on Reunion 2010 in Weston, WV, August 6-8, 2010

A sample issue of the Jackson Brigade Quarterly to view.

Time to Renew Your Membership! Membership Form

Image of Pringle Tree

The Pringle Brothers at Pringle Tree
Sketched by Robert B. Smith to look like a woodcut -- based on original woodcut by Diss Debar done in mid 1800s.

In 1768, the immigrant, John JACKSON, with his sons, George and Edward, crossed the Alleghany Mountains into the unbroken wilderness of now West Virginia. John made a tomahawk claim for his homestead at the Pringle Tree, near the mouth of Turkey Run, where it empties into the Buckhannon River, near present day city of Buckhannon in Upshur County, West Virginia. His was one of the first three families to settle in this region.

John Jackson's great-grandson was Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson, famous Confederate General of the U. S. Civil War.

Image of genealogy treeThe Genealogy of John Jackson and Elizabeth CumminsImage of genealogy tree

Jackson Brigade




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Andrew Richardson Jackson Bible records
Latest version of Jackson Brigade Quarterly Index (14 Years)

More about the Jackson Brigade, Inc.

Getting Started in Genealogy - for the Novice.

Search Engine for the Jackson Brigade, Inc. Web Site

Web Sites of Descendants of John and Elizabeth (Cummins) Jackson.

Related Web Sites

Info on the Jane Lew (WV) Jackson line
Even though these Jacksons lived in the same area of Lewis County, WV,
they are not related to our John Jackson line. Many researchers have confused them with the John Jackson line.

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This page is at http://www.eg.bucknell.edu/~hyde/jackson/
If you have any additions or corrections to this site, please send email to Dan Hyde hyde at bucknell.edu.

Page maintained by Dan Hyde, hyde at bucknell.edu Last update September 3, 2012
Copyright © 1997-2012
Jackson Brigade, Inc.
c/o Jane Carlile Hilder
5707 Norton Rd.
Alexandria, VA 22303